Hello and merry X-mas!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by LittleMama65, Dec 16, 2002.

  1. I've been lurking a bit,and enjoying this way cool site. I'm a joker,toker, rock&roller gal from Arizona,and glad to meet you all. :)
  2. Welcome to the best City on the Net!! Kick off your shoes and stay awhile...
  3. welcome to heaven....you've arrived....spark one up and enjoy you're stay...lol...Peace out...Sid
  4. Hi, welcome to THE City...
  5. Welcome to the city and enjoy your stay!
  6. Velkum from zij Urbanites here in Da City.

    Nice to know you have a sense of humor.

    So you can start by calling me Big Momma.

    Thinks...*Why can Men say call me Big Poppa and get away with it?*

    Hope you like yer stay. took me a lil while to, but I'm git'n use-ta it. :D

    Den Activist
  7. hows it goin ? welcome and merry xmas!

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