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Hello all, long time wannabe, now fulfilled.....QQ please oxygen?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by freedom90009, Nov 12, 2014.

  1. Hello, I just got into smoking indica and it sometimes gives me this awesome, breathless wish?, haha, hard to describe, delicious, breathless, DEEP breath. MANY! lol. So my question, would 100% pure oxygen taste like a million bucks when taken for this breathless feeling? Which I love. lol    I will really appreciate any thoughts about this! Thanks. :gc_rocks:

  2. First time smoking? 
  3. #3 freedom90009, Nov 13, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 13, 2014
    Thank you, no, but first time with some righteous buds.
    No fear, no worries, really. Mostly curious, and just was wondering.   :smoke:
    The deep sighs are awesomely beautiful feeling, and hit, lol , on the idea of a pure oxygen "hit".
    i.e. So that if you took a deep breath of the oxygen to a deep sigh.....
    Hope this is making sense. lol
    Thanks for your response Mid Man.
  4. Not sure what you are talking about but don't smoke near pure oxygen unless you want a fiery death.
  5. sure, why not, many curious freedoms are awaiting you, you have to take them with your both hands and do not lose them or smash them
  6.  Yep that's about true Forked! Well, thanks guys, was curious, still am. :bongin:
  7. Also you can get oxygen poisoning, I am not really sure what OP said but toke on. And please refrain from inhaling pure oxygen. 
  8.  Sure will, and thanks for your thoughts and good vives Kyle, I'm pretty sure there's no danger at all breathing pure oxygen :laughing:  with caution of flames out! :yay:  maybe if you stay with this thread I'll get to report soon, curiousity and the cat and all. :yummy:
  9. I always thought an oxygen tank would be cool to have around after massive bong rips to recover quicker.

    I think the feeling you're describing is more of personal experience than a universal one. If it sounds like a good time to you then chase the dream, my friend.

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