Hello All Long time no post.

Discussion in 'General' started by weed420, Dec 21, 2007.

  1. Wow you guys it has been over a year since i last posted here. I miss this place with a passion and i miss smoking the herb with a passion. I had to quit due to it causing me anxiety, i always thought the bud took it away but come to find out it was causing it. A lot of stuff has happened in the past year, and i would really like to share what happened this past week.

    My dad is a garbage man has been for 20 or so years, he has been making a living of it since he was 16 and even has an award for the 5th best driver in the world! no joke. Anyway on Friday December 15th or 14th he was struck with the thing he feared the most, and that fear was killing somebody. He was going down the road and out of the corner of his eye he says a guy jump under his tire and with no time to stop my dad had ran him over with his truck that weighed approximately 56,000 ibs. It was nothing he had done the guy simply was commiting suicide and it was time for him to check out and end his life. Upon doing so my dad was frozen the cops had arrived and assured him it was nothing he could do. He told me this will haunt him for the rest of his life knowing that he killed someone, even though it wasnt his fault he feels as if it was. I feel really sorry for him but he has coped really well with the problem and am glad to post so.

    I hope yall are doing well take care
  2. welcome back, welcome back.
  3. I remember you, welcome back! :wave:
  4. thats really unfortunate about your dad...... at least he wont be facing any legal issues homefully since the cops said there was nothing he could do
  5. The loss of life is always tragic. I hope your father continues to cope well with the situation.
  6. wow that's terrible.
  7. Its been a minute nigg.
  8. Taking the life of a man is not the worst thing that a human can accomplish.
  9. Jus read the whole thang.

    You get used to ending lifes...

    Its natural, Its something that HAS to be done.

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