Hello all... I recently came out of retirement and started toking again after a 7 year hiatus and I'M LOVING IT!! I live in sunny south Florida and plan on moving out to Denver in the next couple of years, considering both my GF and I would like to be legal.. We're currently rocking a 14" LUX Zumo 5-tree perc with a LUX 6-tree perc'ed ashcatcher... Sometimes, we use our little ROOR ashcatcher, or sometimes, BOTH!! I got popped in Miami on a posession charge about year ago, for one friggin joint (first MJ offense in 20 years) and now I have to try to get it expunged off of my record.. I don't want that shit showing up for background checks, etc... Anyone have any experience with this? Thanks!
More like several hours!! It was like an after-school special.. I was going to see my favorite DJ/producer of about 10 years who I have never seen before, did one bong hit after 7 years, got stuck on the couch watching nature documentaries with my boss and missing the party completely... lol!!