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helllo CITY. across the street from your store front cemetary.

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Omioblivion, Jun 8, 2009.

  1. i mixxed tonight my first time EVERY. i promise mom. xannax and weed. and nicotien. and power ade.

    it has been. good. im staring at the sunnnnn!!! woahhh :smoking::wave:

    this is my best experience everr. the lover is inside.
  2. and power aid?!?!?

    My god you must be trippin!
  3. pssh I loves me some powerade.

    drinking beer. gonna go scrape my bowl... I hate being dry!

    But yeh dude, mix whatever the hell you want with weed. its mans best friend
  4. three blotters man, i live down here in tennessee, bonaroos comming through and i have scored some bommmbb. ahh. im flyign right now hahaha.

    i hope all of you will have the same delightful spirit enhanced summer !:smoking::smoking::D
  5. Exactly what I was thinkin.

    Only you can fix this. :smoking:
  6. one time last summer i drank two bottles of poweraid and man, i tripped for 3 days straight.

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