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helix pipe

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by rjg197280, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. i just got a new helix pipe but i need a screen for the bowl. the shop by my house doesnt have any small enough to fit. anyone have an idea what i could use instead
  2. you can use the screen for your ipod earbuds. if you don't have any of tht then you could smoke it without a screen. most pieces dont really need a screen to be honest.
  3. pebbles, be gentle it will scratch or break the glass.
    But keep looking for glass jack screens those are best IMO
  4. Never liked screens they get clogged and are a pain in the ass I never end up having to use one even if it's ground up so well it's dust I never have it fall through. Take a big pinch of bud drop it in and fill it up that's all I do :confused_2:
  5. Cut the screen smaller? hurr durr
  6. I used this method a lot, but man it tastes like shit once you get down to the bottom of the bowl...

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