Heirloom Seeds

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by ATZag135, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. When it comes to vegetable or herb plants you can buy heirloom seeds.

    An heirloom seed is simply one that is not a hybrid. The benefit to growing heirloom vegetable is simple: you can keep the seeds and grow the same strain again the following year, as long as you yourself didn't cross pollinate.

    I was wondering if anyone has heard of heirloom Marijuana seeds. I would love to be able to pick the best of the few plants i grow to keep the seeds to grow again. If you try to grow seeds that come from a hybrid you really cant be sure what your growing, it could be the mother, or the father, or even the Grandfather of the plant. This causes a problem since different plants GROW differently, need different amounts of fertilizers and so on.

    The reason that most seeds you buy from the store are hybrid is because the hybrid plant is usually a better plant, true, but also because then you are forced to keep buying new seeds over and over, American consumerism in its finest. I feel that growing anything should be done as natural as possible to yield the best results. Compost is a great example. Its proven to reduce disease. It fertilizes in a slow release way. It fluffs up the soil. Its simply a better way to do things.

    Bottom line: Where can you find some heirloom MJ seeds?
  2. The Real Seed Company is the only seed company i know of that is dedicated to selling only non-hybridized strains.

    Various other breeders also sell carry a few landraced strains in their seed line, but they may have been breed and selected for specific traits.

    Delta 9 - Mekong haze (it's not a haze, it's actually a mekong sativa)
    afropips -malawi gold, Nigerian, Swazi
    Seedsman - african buzz(Malawi gold), Mama thai, Hash Passion(Morrocan)
    Ace seeds - China Yunnan
    afghans, hindu kush, and pakistanis from various breeders

    Tom Hill - deep chunk (cali afghan), X18 (cali paskistan). not exacly landrace but they breed true for most traits and were never hybridized

    that's all i can think of right now, check the seedbank forum/section to find a reliable reseller
  3. #3 ATZag135, Jan 16, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 16, 2010
    Wow Perfect The Real Seed Company seems to be what im looking for, but im in the USA... and therfore cannot use them.... thank you Though. Thank you for doing the hard work and comparing their strains to various other sites.

    You know what really supprizes me is that NUMBER of different strains. There are just as many marijuana strains as there are tomatoes, perhaps because they have been around for just as long. Very interesting.

    You seem to know Alot about this, do you also grow non-hybrid plants?
  4. #4 newgrowNY, Jan 16, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 16, 2010

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