Heavy usage on a portable vape?

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by MLark, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. Looking to get a Magic Flight Launch Box or a different portable vaporizer, but i plan to use it pretty heavily so im not sure if getting a portable one is the way too go.

    Does anyone use their portable vaporizer heavily? How much do you use your portable vaporizer? Occasional piece or daily what amount do you use in there?
  2. You know, I'm sure you could do it and I'm failrly certain a large majority on the the MFLB owners use it a lot because they all seem to love it. Personally I would look for something a little more powerful/user-friendly but the MFLB will certainly get the job done for cheaper. Just maybe not as well.
  3. I wouldn't get a MFLB for heavy usage. I used mine heavily until I broke down and bought a home vape.... definably worth the price different. IMO MFLB is the bet portable vape, but if you want to heavily use a vape get a home one. I almost never use my MLFB since I got my home vape.

    Try look at fuckcombustion.com the site is full of information about vapes.
  4. I was right where you are. I decided to go with an at home Vap first and choose the Da Budda. I was really having a tough time between the MFLB and the iolite, for a portable vap. It seems it is a tough call. With the new iolite more on the $150 side of things price isn't that far away. My deciding factor was I was going to use it more at home. Wasn't exactly sure but my use tends to be 70-80 @ home versus on the go. I also didn't want to spend $500 on my first Vap and Da Budda from the reviews I read is a lot of times considered one of the best on the market.
  5. Whys that? Your enjoy the home vape more?

    Also any difference on the high/odor.
  6. I use mine multiple times through the day every day- I have yet to run into a problem.

    A home vape is different than a portable one- its about what you would expect from something made to be portable and something made for the house. Not as "powerful" I suppose would be the word and not as big clouds of vapor. And the mflb is one of the best when it comes to smell, little to none depending on the user.
  7. do yourself a favor and get a mflb with the new power adapter they just released. my SSV barely ever gets used anymore since the power adapter for the mflb came out. its perfect for everyday home use. to the guy who complained about it breakin' down, i've had mine since december of '09 and its still runnin great :) and they have a lifetime warranty! goddamn i sound like a fuckin advertiser haha
  8. How much do you think you use in there? A gram or what?
    What about you nubsicles.
  9. powerex batteries and charger. they work good for heavy users of the mflb.
  10. it works best when you load around a .2 - .3 trench in. you could always jus pack bowl after bowl . with that adapter i was talkin about i usually get hella ripped off 2-3 bowls max though (and i have a pretty high tolerance)

  11. ah lucky man I've been thinking about getting one recently- fucking lost all my batteries cept one and I only use it at home anyways. i heard its like a new vape with the pa

    mm hard to say I really stopped paying attention to amounts a while ago- I dont partake nearly as much as I used too but Im sure as hell spend more time high. A gram would last me a week maybe a week and a half if it was good- I know sounds crazy little but I used to go through an 8th in that time. Its really saved me a lot of cash- plus I prefer the vape high to smoking.
  12. its pretty diff with the adapter. its like the mflb except with thicker milkier clouds.

    to OP. i have an iolite too which gets used daily and once .3-.4 bowl will get me pretty fuckin ripped with the new optimizer they just released. its chillen for home use and is easier & more kick backed to use but the butane can be a bitch sometimes

  13. Hahaha yes I'm sure he enjoys the home vape more, to say it shortly.

  14. Well yeah, home vapse are better than portable. But I still love my MFLB for on the go, I just vape at home more though.

    I have a myrtle zap for my home home. Its gives me bigger and tastier hits off of less weed than I'd use for my MFLB. Plus the temperature is always constant on my myrtle zap, so I do not have to worry about combustion, unlike the MFLB. And I do not have to worry about having charged batteries , because my home vape stays plugged into the wall.

    Both of my vapes have virtually no odor.

    I dont really notice a different in the high between the two.

  15. I do love it. It is a great piece. I take it literally everywhere with me... I've gotten high in class, a theater, public park with cops like 20 feet away... stealthy as fuck and it saves a lot.

  16. LOL Was the cop fuckin blind? at 20 feet he shouldn't hafta smell it he could easily see it.
  17. Eh, the MFLB is hard to see when used right. The thing is tiny, I can easily hold it in one hand, while hitting it, and not have even the smallest piece of it exposed. If anything, it would look like I'm yawning or biting my finger nail.
  18. Not as popular around here, but I use my Iolite almost daily. I've even used it while walking through the mall.
  19. idk man i use my mflb all the time i would love to get a home vape but i get the same high from my mflb

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