What is the best heating solution for a 10x10x7 room? Temps are low especially in the dark period. I need a heater that I can set the temp on it and leave it alone. Major concern is security. What are you using? Thanks
Most of the stand alone space heaters have a temp gauge on them. Just set temp and go. Most also turn off if knocked over or other problems occur. They do use a decent amount of electricity. I know they have propane heaters too but i don't think they have temp guages or safety precautions included. However burning propane is a good source of Co2 however plants only use Co2 when lights are turned on. Good luck finding something.
They make oil space heaters. They look like little radiators and are supposedly significantly safer than generic electric space heaters. 5 Great Portable Electric Space Heaters : TreeHugger Some reviews on them.
aiight thanks I'll see what I can find tonight after work. I never used those kind of heaters so I tought they had like LOW-MED-HIGH settings, and not something precise like a degree value. I will look for the oil radiator it looks neat.