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Heat Stress

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Milo916, Jun 28, 2019.

  1. any thoughts and remedy for my outdoor girls! It’s been pretty hot outside and recently the leaves started looking a little funky! I’ve now had them under a canopy to help reduce the heat stress.

    Attached Files:

  2. Sativa be good in that heat. Gotta find a way to keep the root zone cooler black pots prob don’t help.
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  3. I got them in the canvas cloth pot chilling under a canopy how long should I let them stay under there until I put them back in the sun?
  4. #4 GorillaGherkin, Jun 28, 2019
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2019
    What’s your temps through out the day? Are you transitioning from inside to outside? If yes I’d just give them 2 hrs a day and add a hour or so a day until it’s out their all day.
    twisting leaves could also be a sign of ph fluctuations.
  5. #5 Milo916, Jun 28, 2019
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2019
    Your right about ph I have to check that and I wasn’t doing the out/indoor transition they were just out in the backyard with my other plants that are doing fine! I’m in northern Cali so temps are 95-100 dry heat! And just to be clear 2 hours a day of direct sunlight the rest shade and add an hour each day? Were you able to see the pics I attached? I appreciate your feedback
  6. What are you feeding in that heat are you mixing nutes lighter because of temperature and the plant eating more?
  7. I’m feeding them fox farm big bloom diluted teaspoon a gallon, plant hasn’t been eating noticeably more
  8. Those plants are not heat stressed at 95º -100º. What strain are you growing? Those plants in the photo look like an indica strain. I would be looking at other issues like water Ph. or your micro and macro biology of your soil. I grow in NorCal. The only time heat is a factor is if your plants have not been hardened before you put them in direct sunlight. I have never taken more than 3 days to harden a plant. I have my plants in direct sunlight all day up here and have NEVER had issues with the heat. Good Luck!
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  9. Thanks will definitely take your advice on water/soil ph! The strain is candyland/Sativa

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  10. Cool. Good Luck with your grow! FYI. I don't mean to be a vibe killer but your plant is not a sativa. Those wide leaves are certainly indica. This plant below is Sativa. Notice the very thin long leaves.

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  11. You could def be right I’m a new grower and those clones were given to me from a friend so you know how it goes when they tell you what strain it is, what’s your thoughts on a inground grow opposed to just using a bigger cloth pot? I have a huge hole I dug out and filled in with amended soil should I try a plant in it or just use a bigger grow bag? Surrounding hole is that hard clay dirt but hole is 3ft deep 3ft wide

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  12. It all depends on how much control you have in the ground. I'm up in the NorCal foothills and grow in 100gal beige fabric pots, because of all the voles and gophers. I put hardware cloth underneath all the pots so there is no chance of gophers coming up underneath and chewing through. I average 2-3 good pounds per fabric pot. I have much more control over drainage, medium, watering, and control of my environment. My plants get sun from morning to sunset. I guess i'ts a matter of preference.
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  13. I live in the Cali desert. Here we dig holes for the pots to sit in too keep roots cool. Shade top helps too. I might give them some ice instead of water at dusk

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  14. Looks like tomato wilt to me.
  15. Hey milo, I agree with Mahmo it's not heat stress. But in the pictures, you can see some of the top of the media is completely dried out. If that's coco, that's a no no. I've been doing 100% coco in fabric pots this year. WATER A LOT. You can't over water, and if it's top side watering with drain to waste it helps bring in more oxygen for the roots.
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