Heat stress clones

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by fillmore415, Aug 17, 2012.

  1. Don't have a timer for my heat mat and the mat was in for minimum if 26 hours. They look in bad shape. Can any of them come back? How can I care for them? What increments should I have the mat for my next clones or seeds? Can I pull clones from my flowering plants?

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  2. Some may come through. Most the brown ones look trashed though.

    You can clone from flowering plants. It's wiser to take them earlier in flowering. Otherwise, they'll need time to reveg basically, and it takes a week or two.

    Just go easy on the heat mat. I didn't think they could get too hot to do damage though. What medium are you using?
  3. Rockwool before I switch to soil.

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