Heat exhaustion recuperating

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by MedicineMan303, Jul 18, 2018.

  1. I had to move my veg plants for about a month to non ideal situations and the lower half of the plant started drying out and completely dying. I have since moved them again into there ideal home. My question is about what to do with these dead branches. Most are starting to grow new leaves on the previous dead branches. Should I wait that out or cut the dead off and hope for complete new branches down there? Please and thank you for any insight!

    Attached Files:

  2. I'd be removing the dead and untidy leaves and some branches

    water well and pot up in about a week

    good luck
  3. Give your plants more space between the plants. Remove branches that don't re-sprout soon.


  4. Ok will do! Thanks for the info! Some look like there coming back to life and I’ve never ran into this and was worried if I removed them it wouldn’t regrow anything.
  5. What will the more space do for them? Thanks for the reply!

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