Heat, and seed germination

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by YaMoonSun, Jun 9, 2015.

  1. Is it possible that it's too hot in my room to germinate seeds? I've had two duds as of yet, and I'm starting to think it's the weather.

  2. How hot is it? I find the quickest results at around 80 degrees.
  3. Seeds like dampness, not wet, and warmth.  jay719 has it right.  Don't soak your seeds in water prior to germination.  There is not enough oxygen in the water for the seed.  I know many people do this, but my seedbank recommends the paper towel method.  Some seeds take longer than others, they just may need more time.  I find older seeds take longer to germ.  Good luck.
  4. The older they are the longer they take for sure. I do the soaking method...soak them until they sink then a couple days on the papertowel.
  5. I put mine on a water heater downstairs in a small Tupperware container but inside I there is a bag with a paper towel in it with c02 that I blew in there
    It's bee 105F outdoors, and probably 115F indoors
    I'm also using the power towel method. I think it's been about a week and it hasn't even cracked yet.
  7. Good grief YaMoonSun, where are you that's so hot?  115F is pretty hot, but truthfully I don't know if that's too hot to germ.  Are the seeds old?  Sometimes it helps to slightly rough up the seed (with new seeds) with fine sandpaper or an emery board- not too much, just to let water enter the seed easier.  Some sees just take longer than others.  I wouldn't give up, yet.  If I had more seeds I would try to germinate them in case the others don't pop.  Good luck, mate.  It's frustrating.
  8. Cheers, I have more seeds, but I don't want to waste any. I think they're fresh trainwreck seeds.

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