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Heart Rate?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by tku, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. Just wondering if anyone's ever taken their hate rate when they've been smoking, just checked mine and my tickers booming at 101bpm !
  2. Check it after drinking an energy drink, or mastrubating....:)
    Or during sex, if possible.

  3. check it after drinking an energy drink while having sex
    • Like Like x 1
  4. Forgot to mention i've drunk a can of relentless! Might explain why it's, according to a google search, verging on dangerous :confused:
  5. I've honestly always wondered about the safety in the increased heart rate and chronic smoking. I smoke daily and often multiple times a day and when I used to check my heart rate it was 100-120+ after smoking. I'm 22 years old and got a healthy ticker but I can't help but wonder if long term smoking (and long term often increased heart rate) could be negative to my health.
  6. That's energy drinks for ya:(. Don't get in a hot tub or sauna till it wears off.
  7. 100+? That's pretty fast. I've never noticed an increase from pot. Although when I first wake up is probably the only time I'm not high.

    Right now mines between 60-70. I just counted to ten and it's like one per second exactly lol
  8. Will probably check it in the morning and compare, but hopefully the rate is only so high because of the effects of smoking and an energy drink. Be interesting to see how rates compare amongst smokers...
  9. it more than likely is unhealthy. raising your heart rate with no physical activity, (assuming you smoke weed and chill) is like idling your car. but then again fuck i mean people run all the time...and it takes caloric energy to beat fast, so i mean..maybe you burn off tha calories you take in from the munchies just sittin there watching cartoons or whatever you do when your high. like talk to people on, much like i'm doing now. anyways :smoke:

  10. dont worry dude, if you r just smoking bud everything is good. if you r smoking a pack of cigs a day and drinking a lot of caffeine then you will hav problems long term. A dude I know drinks a lot of coffee and smokes cigs a lot and he had to get this weird tube thing put in his heart because of his heart rate (it was higher than i thought possible though).
  11. I just did three vape bags of Sensi Star and my pulse is 80.
  12. I won't sleep tonight

  13. haha, sorry to ruin your high. will a + rep make up for it :)
  14. I couldn't imagine it being worse for you then running around the block...? :confused:

    Can anyone confirm this?
  15. It's been a long while since I stopped monitoring it. It was also during very stressful times which could have added to it. I smoke cigs but only 2 or 3 packs a week tops. (still need to smoke less and eventually quit). I might start monitoring it again in the future. It doesn't worry me to much though to be honest, just something I've noticed.

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