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Hearing Music while blazed.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by bmoney8806, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. When i get pretty high i will hear music in other noises. My mind will turn a fan noise into a song. Its is actually pretty entertaining and sweet.

    How many other people hear music that isnt playing while high?
  2. Yup, I know exactly what you mean :p
    Its kinda funny to think about, but at the time you just get into it :p
  3. haha,
    me and my friend talked about this before,
    I remember years ago I was making up my own songs i was so blazed.
    hearing diffrent instruments in my head.
    Sometimes when im walking places and im blazed il think of the best sounding song,
    then try to remember it a second after and its like i never thought of it in the first place.
  4. Yeah it happens all the time. i love it.
  5. little weird, but whenever i take a shit blazed as fuck I end up hearing music being played in my head through the noises of the fan.

  6. I do that all the time. I'm a musician in a band and I'm constantly trying to think of songs anyway. But when I get super high I just will come up with every part instantly, even lyrics- to a perfect song. It sounds so good. And when I realize I'm writing this song in my head it just... POOF! Disappears, like I was never thinking about it. I might be able to remember a few tiny details, like a good lyric or something, but thats it.

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