Hearing gun shots while high

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by HittingBud, Oct 25, 2012.

  1. Hey guys so yes whenever i am high i always hear gun shots, its weird. Not like the entire time, but right after im done ripping like 12 bowls out of a bong with my friends and we're at our peak of stoned(like the psychedelic stage) i hear gun shots. My friend said maybe its my past life reaching out and maybe i was a veteran in a war or something. I think that could be a possibility. Whenever i hear them i kinda just stand still in shock and im like shit shit and i hear people yelling. it only lasts for like 10 minutes after i get really stoned but still its weird and its almost like a spiritual thing haha.

    I forgot to mention that i usually feel a sharp pain in my right side of my chest when i hear them and i just stand their and i feel like my sole is like flying away haha
  2. Maybe you can tell the future and your going to get shot on the right side of your chest.

    Or like your friend said, maybe you got shot in a past life.
  3. weird how you say that because i often am visited by dead relatives in my dreams and i feel like ive always had a spiritual connection. When i was younger i have memories of people(i assume ghosts) coming to visit me at night and i would talk to them. My dad also has the same dreams of being visited by dead relatives. When i am visited i usually have meals with them and catch up and we have full conversations. its a really satisfying experience
  4. I strongly believe that spirits have the capability to interact with people very vividly through dreams. I also believe that they WANT to come visit you and reassure you that everything is okay, they want to comfort you.
  5. I do as well. I have Out of body experiences and Lucid dreams very often when i sleep. And sometimes some of the people i meet in the dreams i can sense are not part of my subconcious. I've never encountered anyone who has disliked me, or tried to harm me, most are friendly.

    My dads sister died when he was very young(she was 15 and he was 11 when it happened). When i was younger i would have dreams of a young girl who was very nice but always sad almost everynight i would have dreams about her and would be excited to go to sleep. Maybe it was a connection to my dads sister but i dont know. I have not had one in a very long time but i still remember them.

    I really want to go to a hypnotist(a well known reputable one) and i want to visit my past life. My psychology professor at school visited one and he said that he experienced one of his past lifes. He said it started out with him falling down a well, and he landed on a horse and was in a full suit of armor with people he felt a very close connection with on horses with him. He said it was one of the most wonderful experiences of his life.

    I'm planning on going to one in the near future and will definitely post about it.
  6. Also in those dreams about that girl we were often at my grandparents house(they own a very large house on a lot of land) and we would run through the fields and house.
  7. I've read a book that involved the author going to hypnotist and experiencing a past life.

    If you have OBE's often, maybe you should explore Astral Projection. You could possibly find answers to some of your questions.

    I wish I had the gift that you have (well I consider it a gift) where you naturally have OBE's and Lucid Dreams. That kind of stuff is extremely interesting to me. And although I have attempted these, I have had no luck. Although I'm sure it will come with practice and time.

  8. i find the unconcious mind very interesting, and i study psychology in college currently and i am planning on going to medical school and studying the brain and possibly becoming a psychiatrist. My goal is to be able to prescribe MMj to people with anxiety and other things like that. I also study molecular genetics which is a new field in psychology where you extract genes from someones brain like a depression gene and replace it with a non depression gene. Interesting stuff. If you are just starting out in school i would definitely recommend studying this stuff because i actually get excited to go to class because it is something that interests me.

    BACK to OBEs. Whenever i begin to travel to far from my house instinctly im ripped back into my body. IT is literally the craziest feeling ever. wherever i travel to its like i am just sucked back. I do not dream after this happens and i just wakeup the next morning and feel like i just wokeup from a coma haha. One recommendation if you are looking to Lucid dream and OBE, do not smoke before bed. Your dreams will not be as clear and vivid if you do because it disrupts REM sleep. I try to not smoke everyday. I rarely dream on weekends because of me smoking all day and night haha. On week days tho it goes like this
    Sunday: Slight dreams
    Monday: slight dreams
    Tuesday: slight dreams with some small points of lucidness
    Wendesday: Most vivid dream of the week. Usually an OBE
    Thursday: usually an OBE
    Friday-saturday maybe some small ones

    I do dream after i smoke iits just not as clean or vivid and i dislike it. I also get 10 hours of sleep a night during the week, and i excercise everyday which all have factors in it. The longer you sleep gives your body more time to reproduce neurotransmitters and the better you feel in the morning. Also I'm pretty sure lucid dreams occur towards the end of your sleep cycle but im not sure.
    My dad is lucky and has very very vivid dreams no matter how much he sleeps. He is very closely connected with spiritual activity and i feel like he knows the unknown haha. He is very religious as well and goes to church twice a week.
    Im not very religious at all but i do believe in reincarnation and spirits etc.

    I believe that after death, your spirit roams the earth. If you were not ready to die you still think you are alive and you live in a trance feeling like you are still living your life. Eventually you realize this and once you accept that you are dead and you are ready to move on, you are reincarnated.

    Haha sorry for the rambling i kinda just got lost in my thoughts and wrote them all down.
  9. Keep goin on dude im intrested as fuck in these things haha
  10. Those arent gunshots, those are just your brain cells popping dude
  11. Like you said it sounds like past life regressions. Maybe you got shot in a past life?
  12. I hear gunshots too when I'm high! Only I live in Pennsylvania so like people shoot guns for no reason around me. Like instead of kids playing tag in my neighborhood, I go outside to get the mail and see the neighbor kid shooting a fucking compound bow. Fucking rednecks.
  13. honestly I think it could possibly be my past life but not sure. Could just be the effects of the Marijuana but not sure. One thing that is cool though, if you do choose to go to bed high, put in headphones and some slow music and focus on the music and eventually your body will be asleep and you can lucid dream its just not as vivid as it would be if you were sober. its easier to do this high tho cause when you're sober it's harder to focus on the music for a long period of time

    I recommend Binaural beats. I dont use them but they supposedly work.

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