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Healthiest way to get drunk?

Discussion in 'General' started by Omega369, Jan 22, 2014.

  1. What's the healthiest way to get drunk?
    Don't get me wrong, I understand drinking is one of the worst things you could do to your body, but I enjoy drinking once in a while.
    Beer is very fattening, sorta a sluggish sleepy drunk.  I used to drink A LOT of jagermeister, but I would also mix like redbull. I could drink half a gallon of jagermeister easily a night and that's a lot of redbull.  Lately I started drinking wine and it makes me talkative and bubbly.  Seems like the healthiest to me (all the while being extremely unhealthy.)

  2. I'd say the strongest stuff available because alcohol is poison to the body no matter what, so just take a little bit of potent poison.
    Like everclear or moonshine.. hot saki, absinthe..
    anything that your not gonna drink much of, it's like concentrates and how they are healthier, more potent, less smoke, so more potent less liquid.
    i think the liquid drinking on top of the alcohol makes your stomach hurt, like with beer or four locos.. 
    but no matter how you concentrate it i guess technically it would still be just as bad because alcohol is well, bad.
  3. Healthiest way to get drunk? Pretending to be drunk?

    "Everything is better when u are high"
  4. Fill up ur tight rectum with everclearsent from underneath my balls
  5. [quote name="Michio Kaku" post="19384867" timestamp="1390375804"]I'd say the strongest stuff available because alcohol is poison to the body no matter what, so just take a little bit of potent poison.Like everclear or moonshine.. hot saki, absinthe..anything that your not gonna drink much of, it's like concentrates and how they are healthier, more potent, less smoke, so more potent less liquid.i think the liquid drinking on top of the alcohol makes your stomach hurt, like with beer or four locos.. but no matter how you concentrate it i guess technically it would still be just as bad because alcohol is well, bad.[/quote] some of the dumbest shit I've ever heard, untill the last sentence Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  6. *read
    coming from guy with dog as picture
    lmao your a real prize winner
  7. Inject that Sent from my SM-N9005 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  8. [quote name="Michio Kaku" post="19384990" timestamp="1390378711"]*readcoming from guy with dog as picturelmao your a real prize winner[/quote]You're*sent from underneath my balls
  9. [quote name="Michio Kaku" post="19384990" timestamp="1390378711"]*readcoming from guy with dog as picturelmao your a real prize winner[/quote] *you're Coming from guy with strange Chinese dude as picture.Your comment on the OP makes you sound special Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  10. Honestly wine is the shit. Whenever my girl and i half a bottle of santa margherita it gets reeeeeeal nastysent from underneath my balls
  11. #11 ZombieJuice, Jan 22, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 22, 2014
    [quote name="shinkets619" post="19385008" timestamp="1390379220"]*you're Coming from guy with strange Chinese dude as picture.Your comment on the OP makes you sound special Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum[/quote]Michio kaku isn't chinese or strange. He's of japanese descent and is quite the geniussent from underneath my balls
  12. im not correcting puncuation, you didn't hear it, you read it.
    strange chinese dude? more like, world renowned japanese physicist
    Im not correcting punctuation
  13. [quote name="Michio Kaku" post="19385016" timestamp="1390379390"]im not correcting puncuation, you didn't hear it, you read it.strange chinese dude? more like, world renowned japanese physicistIm not correcting punctuation[/quote] whatever dude, I just commented on how absurd your post was Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  14. Who hates dogs?
  15. the title itself is an oxymoron. i couldnt give you an answer based in evidence, but i would guess wine to be the 'healthiest' way. that said, one beer or one glass of wine is very good for you, for all the non-drinkers reading this. 
  16. [quote name="Honest American" post="19385022" timestamp="1390379637"]Who hates dogs?[/quote] especially my bad ass husky. Nobody has ever not liked my dog. Except this butt sniffer Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  17. yes it was correction of punctuation because u added a punctuation mark, trying to correct me when i corrected someone else to make yourself look clever, and lol "dullard" because of one missed punctuation, and im more than a fan im a student. i guarantee you my IQ is higher than yours.
    it's absurd? that's your opinion. but who are you? lol. i don't think it's absurd at all. 
  18. MD 20/20- it has fruit in it.
  19. #20 Michio Kaku, Jan 22, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 22, 2014
    i dont hate dogs, i love dogs.
    I'm just saying - you critique my pic, i critique yours
    on a side note, my best friend has 4 siberian huskies at his house and they're pretty cool, except for shedding

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