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"Healthiest" papers?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by OddSkeleton, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. I smoke a lot of joints and im just starting to get worried about inhaling all that paper, you know?
  2. I wouldn't worry about it too much, but any hemp papers are usually good, or RAWS, but I always found it incredibly more difficult to roll with RAWS than with Zig-Zags. Then again I'm really loyal to the Zigs, they've always been good to me
  3. Yeah I dont think inhaling rolling papers is that big of a worry.

    But if you want healthy, then think about trying the see through papers, I think they're made out of cellulose? Correct me if I'm wrong.
  4. Yea I roll zig zags too, but I'll try RAWs and see how those work. Thanks.
  5. umm idk all i smoke is the paper inda back of the bible haha so just consider ur lungs lucky ther not mine

  6. thats not good man

    inhaling cellulose is better than inhaling paper?
  7. Hemp papers are the healthiest... although not the easiest to find. Order them online if you can't find them in headshops.
  8. Actually it's not as bad as you might think, depending on how thick the paper is and what it's made from. Usually it's not that bad.

  9. alright, thanks. do you recommend a certain kind?
  10. I always thought they were a healthy alternativeto papers :p
    Sorry I'm a little bit stoned right now :D

  11. I rolled a j out of bible paper once and that shit burned my lungs sooo bad. Just doesnt seem like a good idea.
  12. #12 RepentYeNbelievethegospel, Jan 22, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2010
    Raws or any GOOD QUALITY hemp or rice papers. Rice papers are really thin, and the less paper you inhale the better.

    EDIT: Hempires and Rollies hemp papers are not bad, I would also reccomend(if you dont already) to use a rolled paper tip. RAW and Element makes natural filter tip booklets that are very cheap.
    If your looking for a good clear 'paper' try JOB Crystals.

  13. thanks man
  14. Your welcome. And try to avoid hemp from China, they usually grow it with unneccesary chemicals.
  15. i really like job crystals, theyre made from cellulose, burn slower, and IMO are sturdier and less likely to rip than normal papers. roliing your joints dutch style will also reduce the amount of paper inhaled during smoking

    happy toking :smoking:
  16. No, not really. I bought a pack of "hemp rolls" in Amsterdam, they're quite funky with cannabis leaves on them. However, they burn insanely fast and the taste of hemp can overpower your bud. I was just suggesting them because they are definitely the healthiest papers; non-carcinogenic.

    But listen, if you want to smoke healthily... don't smoke. Vaporize.
  17. i have to somehwat disagree with the general trend of this thread. i think papers make a huge difference to both health and taste, therefore i insist on god quality and thin rice papers. honestly the thinness is the most important attribute, because it just generally means far less chemicals and paper. my favorites are elements which are easier to find, and smoking blues, which ive only seen in select few places in the untied states.

  18. I'm usually smoking with friends in like random places so joints just naturally become the method I use the most. I would get a vape for home use but I cant really afford a nice one :eek:

    Yea I was looking at Elements papers just a couple minutes ago, I'm probably gonna pick up some of those.
  19. Ever thought of getting a portable vaporizer? I've seen a few makes around.. one was called Eagle Eye Bill or something. It seemed to be no bigger than a well-sized glass pipe and was far from expensive!

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