Health Benefits of RAW Cannabis

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by weed:myantidrug, Jan 11, 2012.

  1. [ame=]Vegan SuperFood - The Power of RAW Cannabis - YouTube[/ame]
  2. #2 SheenTheSage, Jan 11, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 11, 2012
    You can use 60x more raw cannabis than heated? He blew my mind.

    Edit: from wikipedia...

    "In the cannabis plant, THC occurs mainly as tetrahydrocannabinol carboxylic acid (THC-COOH). Geranyl pyrophosphate and olivetolic acid react, catalysed by an enzyme to produce cannabigerolic acid,[73] which is cyclized by the enzyme THC acid synthase to give THC-COOH. Over time, or when heated, THC-COOH is decarboxylated producing THC. The pathway for THC-COOH biosynthesis is similar to that which produces the bitter acid humulone in hops.[74]"

    Edit 2: Basically, raw cannabis won't get you high, so you can eat loads of it, but it will provide you anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, etc benefits, and typical doses aren't enough when smoked to do much for your health (although it gets you high).

    Also, check out this chart (I found this on the shroomery forum about a year ago, that post was deleted, and it was reposted in the medical section on this forum):
  3. Look up they got hemp micro plant powder tht u mix in a drink form tht is supposedly a super food lol.
    U can get hemp protein powder as well.
  4. If weed was cheap I would wake up every morning take a hit of wax and poor a cereal box full of buds into a bowl, pour some chocolate milk on them and chow down.
  5. These guys are juicing it-

    Form of medical marijuana won't get you high, but it's creating a buzz (news - 2010)
    Form of medical marijuana won't get you high, but it's creating a buzz

    Juiced Marijuana Offered to Medical Users as Alternative to Smoking (news - 2010)
    \tJuiced Marijuana Offered to Medical Users as Alternative to Smoking | The Partnership at

    And I once saw one of those "primitive people" shows on Discovery where they were tagging along with the local shaman.

    As they followed him down the jungle path, what did I spy but a sweet-looking, 4 foot high pot plant by the side of the trail! :eek: The shaman reached out as he passed it, snagged a small bud and popped it in his mouth all in one smooth movement, like it was something he did often! Just blew my mind to see it! :D

    Granny :wave:

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