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Headshops and weed?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Hdth, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. alright so none of my friends or dealers ever have weed and recently my main dealer just quit selling it so im trying to find a new dealer iv been dry for to long. theres a headshop right in my town, and i had no idea lol do you think just asking the cashier to hook me up would work? i meen all he would have to do is give me a phone number and talk to me about it nothing illegal yet... unless hes all up about being legal and "tobacco use only".
  2. are you in a med state?

    if not i would say he is gonna tell you to GTFO lol

    if i was behind the counter i all i would smell is a trap

    you dont have ANY friends that smoke? what about where you work?
  3. do not ask your local head shop. The head shops i go to in my town will kick out and or ban you from ever coming back. you cant mention or say anything about pot. you have to call a bowl a pipe and a bong a water pipe and things like that. Idk if your head shop does the same thing but this is just from experience.
  4. #4 Hdth, Jan 26, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2011
    i live in minnesota idk apparently they dont even i.d. much and iv heard rumors about them selling but the rumors arent from the most trustful people. i havent walked in there yet but this place is called dazy maze and its brightly colored lol

  5. Depends on the store and employee.
    Also VERY dependent on the presence of others.

    Places usually sell lighters to minors only when the store is empty..
  6. No, bad idea. That would sketch them out. Talk to your old dealer, he should know somebody you could talk to.
    :bongin: Good Luck man
  7. #7 xhephaestusx, Jan 26, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2011
    Surely u know people who smoke? Ask about their dealer, dealers usually don't mind new customers...

    Or just go to one of the headstone you dont give a fuck about ever bn able to come back to and ask - then who cares if u do get kicked out lol

    Edit - or go to a place that sells like hemp stuff and weed leaf shirts and shit, ask them... Might work better
  8. When i was picking out my first bong at BC Smokeshop i called it a bong,:bongin: and he almost didn't sell me it just for that reason.

    But on the subject of asking your local headshop owner for a connection is like asking your dealer where he/she gets their product from. If you do ask them let us know how it went :wave:
  9. You mean all up about keeping the business going and not being shut down and thrown in jail for some stoner?

  10. Are you wanting to ask a head shop for smokable Cannabis? Or Just a pipe?

    If you ask an employee at a head shop for Cannabis you may get arrested for trying to look for weed. (punishable offense?)

    This is a weird question....
  11. If I was behind the counter, it would definitely sketch me out and I would think it's a cop
  12. We sell K2, pipes, chillums, 1-hitters, waterpipes, & all other items associated with cannabis smoking but don't dare call them bongs/bowls or ask for weed. I think it's pretty ridiculous, what does calling it a bong have to do with anything? I don't know anyone who smokes tobacco out of a bowl/bong/chillum/slider & etc.

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