heading to the chopping block

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Mr johnsonvillebrat, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. gonna chop this dude today,,,,,it is a dude right???

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  2. Def looks like a dude to me, I'm fairly inexperienced though I'd wait for a second opinion.
  3. yea,,.,im waiting for at least a few responses, but looking at many many websites over the last little while, Im positive I see multiple balls, No pistils anywhere,,,just want to be 100 % sure
  4. Looks male to me. Are other plants you started at the same time showing female?
  5. i had a buddy that has been growing a while pop over to smoke one, and it was indeed male....Has been chopped..single tear....I have a big girl, that will gladly take up the extra space in the screen so not a big deal, I also have three others that have veen in 12/12 for one week that were only vegged for like 3 weeks, no signs yet on them .

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