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headband from cali??

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by bonechilla, Sep 26, 2010.

  1. My connect told me he's grabbing like 10lbs worth instead of his usual 5lbs of sour and 5lbs of bannana kush. Now my question is, I've never heard of this?? Is it worth to buy a half oz and toke away??
  2. Well its, OG Kush x Master Kush x Sour Diesel. I would like to be smoking that.. haha
  3. buy a 1/4 of both?

  4. i usually do. But this week he's only gonna have the headband. I've never smoked or heard of it before which is why I made this thread :)
  5. Yes I had some Headband from my dispensary in los angeles like 2 weeks ago, it's a really nice strain IMO, of course it's all about the quality with any strain but good headband is bomb
  6. This is my first post but I can say it is absolutely worth it. Got an 1/8 of headband from my friend with a card in LA this summer and it was amazing. It is a blend but for me it had more indica like effects, I felt super relaxed and like I never wanted to move again. I would highly recommend it.
  7. headband is a very hard strain to come by, last month we got in around a Half Lb, to say the least, it literally makes you feel like you're wearing a headband, atleast to me it did. and along with most of my friends, it has a rather Earthy Taste and Smell, at first i thought it tasted like literal Dirt. and a VERY debilitating, Cerebral High, even though it's dom. Indica.
  8. My boi told me he should have it by Friday. Gahhhh I can't wait!
  9. headband is one of my favorite strains.

    if you are used to sour D, it tastes a lot and looks a lot like it. packs a lil more punch for me though.

    i need to get me some good headband asap.

    would really like to get a clone of it!
  10. The bowl is about to be lit. Smoke report in a lil bit :)

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