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Headache after mids? Or am I trippin

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Tokertots, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. Supposubly excuse my spelling after stanking and ur burning mids u get this tingly headache when ur coming out of ur high I'm not talking about the floating sensation when ur smoking beasties buthelp me out here.

  2. unless its a sativa mean't to blow ur head off, idk about gettin a headache after coming out of your high, but u are smoking mids, meaning it probably wasn't flushed all the way?
  3. Only time ive gotten a headache after any weed was after smoking from a PVC pipe.
  4. i only got a headache once and it was because i smoked from a aluminum foil pipe and the weed was full of seeds and stems..
  5. yeah, stems tend to cause headaches and mids are full of those bastards
  6. I think the only time I got a headache from smoking weed was one of those days where you just toke all day long, at the end of the day right before I fell asleep I got a headache. I actually just smoked a bowl 20 mins ago to cure a migraine.
  7. I smoke heads normally and it pretty good shit I get the same stuff everytime unless my dealer gets a new strain that's in like about two months ago we got hogs breath, sour splash, and purple urkle I don't know if yal are familiar with those strains but if I go and smoke mids I swear I get a spinal headache
  8. Yah I didn't think about stems and even one time I smoked alot of beast one night and was sitting down the whole time and stood up And the bitch was spinning I had no clue what was going on and evuntually led to a bad headache
  9. damn sucks on the headaches man, purple urkle and hogs breath i sure have heard of those, mm good. never heard of sour splash though.

  10. Sour splash is pretty dank I mean crystaly,sticky and yellowish blue to light green hairs what more could u ask for really we had strwberry cough a little while back also
  11. yellow, blue, and green.. shit what could u ask for more, just those kinds of colors on chronic is a blessing.
    yeah strawberry cough is real good too, i want to try the strawberry cough x deepchunk, sadly though i heard it was a slow grower and yielder, but if i can get my hands on it, i'd try and grow it in a heartbeat.
  12. Havnt heard of it I've been on a break for a while parents busted me and have me on a leash so I m not familiar what's been coming in latley and I live in a major port city so alot of new strains come in
  13. oh well i discovered it in the recent high times magazine, u should take a look, u'd be surprised.
  14. Word ile look it up later

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