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*HD PICS* Green Mamba pickup and KIEF PILE

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by insanelax78, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. #1 insanelax78, Jan 27, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2011
    Here is my latest pickup. It's called green mamba.




    And here is my lovely kief


  2. Awesome buds man. I'm also lovin the keif! :smoking:
  3. Man you know you've been smoking for a long time when the name Green Mamba has you questioning the genetics not just laughing. Haha weed names are so ridiculous. But nice lookin nugs, looks like the classic fruity tasting goodness I used to get in VT (I got the same "Afgooey" for years there that looked identical)
  4. Wooooowwwwwwwww strait danks!
  5. Nice and frosty.
  6. Nice! could you post a pic of the biggest nug compared to say.. a lighter?
  7. In the second pictures, the long nug on the far right is about the length of a lighter. ill post some more pics tomorrow too
  8. Can i snort that kief?
  9. Yeah thats what i thought, cant wait!
  10. those r some quality buds u got there sergeant
  11. looks kinda leafy but fire for sure

  12. Here are some more pics!

    I used my actual camera this time instead of my iphone and the pics are a lot better.


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  13. diggin that kief shovel
  14. I hope you plan on making some sort of hash with that beautiful pile..
    Fellow MFLB owner, I saw it hiding there in the corner. Are you in love with yours as well?
  15. nice grinder, think i have the same one... sharpstone... regular finish with a clear top?

  16. I think im actually just goin to smoke a lot of it this weekend but i might tape off for 4/20. ANd yes i am. It's just so convenient and the first 3 or so hits are just glorious. Do you just use the stock batteries?

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