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hazelden treatment center?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by burtontoker, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. So tomorrow I'm supposed to go to some hazelden treatment center to have a "meeting" with my mom and a counselor or some shit. I'm actually not sure why the fuck I'm going there in the first place, because I'm not addicted to alcohol or any other drugs, and I only smoke weed occasionally, not multiple times every day 7 days a week. I've got my smoking under control, and I haven't smoked for over 2 weeks now and I'm pretty sure addicts have to use every day. I asked my mom why the fuck I have to go there and she says she just wants to talk with a "professional" about marijuana and its effects. What I want to know is, does anyone know what this "hazelden" place is about? I'm just going there for a meeting with some guy for an hour or something so it's not that serious, but I KNOW they're going to be spewing out false shit about marijuana and how its harmful. I'm going to straight up tell them they're fucking morons if they think cannabis is harmful. My question is, how can I be prepared? I don't know what to expect. I'm pretty educated on marijuana, I know more about it than most people, but they'll probably have some tricks up their sleeves. No matter what, I'm not going to let them brainwash me. So, how can I be prepared? Any suggestions? Do you know some common arguments they might say about marijuana to try and convince me its bad? Any tips? I really don't have anything to say to them, they can say all they want about how its bad but they're not going to change my mind, I LOVE cannabis and it's my drug of choice; safer than alcohol, impossible from overdose from and it's non-toxic. Thanks.
  2. Smile and shake your head. Do what they say, agree with what they. If he's a smart doctor (well, if he was truely smart he would say go ahead.) hes going to try and trick you into saying you need it, because your arguing with him. Just play along with him and play by his rules, in the end, your still going to win.
  3. Then when u leave smoke a fat one cooperating
  4. Why do you have to go anywhere with your mother if you're 18 years or older?

  5. ^^^ he could still be living under her house under her rules even if hes over 18. Oppose him, but not in a direct way. ask "how many people die from lung cancer from cannabis a year" also ask him "how many people die from ODing from cannabis a year" but ask it in a curious way not like ur arguing with him. also use the word cannabis, it sounds alot smarter.
  6. I meant for cooperating. Yeah play possum with the chap. You should be able give ya moms all the info she needs without a "professional". I think kids should open up about reefer with parents makes the triangular relationship more dynamic.
  7. Thanks for all the tips. I'll just play along, he'll be my little puppet. I do agree with rehab centers and I like how they help people who are actually addicted; but me, I'm just a young adult who likes to get ripped often, it doesn't control my life and I don't consider myself addicted at all. I appreciate how the doctors actually help people with addictions, because that's good. But for me, that's not the case cause I'm really not an addict; it's all in moderation.

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