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Hay Smell While Curing

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Hostdisorder, Jun 16, 2013.

  1. I received some high grade bud that was slightly moist and it had an EXTREMELY strong smell, very pungent.
    However, this is the 3rd day it's been jarred and after burping the pungent fuelly aroma is gone and has been replaced by a hay type smell.
    I've heard this could be excess chlorophyll and left over moisture escaping from the bud.
    If i leave this bud jarred for a bit longer can i expect a return in smell?

  2. I was given a quarter pound of some bud that smelled just like hay. That appeared to be the only issue with it as well as the lazy trim job. I manicured those nugs and let them sit in mason jars for a few weeks. Needless to say, the hay smell had gone away and I was left with a decent skunky odor. Still, not something I would personally smoke, but I can always turn it into concentrates or keep a bit on hand for guests to consume as they see fit.
    Best of luck resolving that issue. The original smell of hay made me half tempted to just turn around and give it away as well, lol. Thankfully, I decided to hold onto it for a bit.
  3. Cheers for the reply.

    It's only been a few hours and after burping the jar a few times the odour is already coming back. I think it's just going through the different stages of curing.
  4. sounds like a fresh harvest.  id continue to do what you do 
  5. Its all in the cureing man
  6. might be too wet to jar still
  7. [​IMG]
  8. I like to let wet buds sit out on a paper towel overnight then throw em in a jar. It's always worked for me as i prefer drier bud for snappers.
  9. #9 WaxPayne, Jun 18, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 18, 2013
    OP, You can try drying them in a paper bag for a couple days. I use Rumpleforeskin's method. just take a paper bag, then take another and cut it into small strips. Take your bud and make a single layer on the bottom of the uncut bag. Now that u have a single layer , cover the bud with a layer the strips from the other bag, make sure the buds are covered. Repeat this step of layering in accordance to your amount of bud. Let it dry for a couple days in a dark , dry room. You can put a fan in the room by the bag to help speed up the process.
    This should help dry them out enough for a good cure. Good luck :D
    Edit: remember this step if your buds are too moist to you next time. looks like you straightened everything out though :)

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