Having Trouble Cal The Hanna 98129 For Tds, Anyone Use This?

Discussion in 'Grow Room Design/Setup' started by budtoker0987, Jun 7, 2013.

  1. Having trouble CAL' the Hanna 98129 for TDS, anyone use this?
    I CAL'd the PH on this meter fine. The way it does the PH is you hold the on/off/mode button until the CAL starts flashing and it shows 7.01 (by the instructions, meaning put it in the 7.01 solutions) I put it in the solutions, then it accepts that and display changes to 4.01, likewise you rinse it and put in the 4.01 solution, it reads then spits out and OK and goes back to the regular display screen.

    Now at the grow shop i went to Ijust told him I needed cal solution for a Hanna meter, he gives me solution that is 1500ppm. Alright. So if i'm following the process of the ph calibration, i switch the meter to TDS (which it actually shows as ppm) and get it into the CAL mode, but here instead of it saying 1500 like i was expecting it says, (dont have it in front of me now so i could be slightly off) 1382, and i have it in that solution and it never gives me an OK, just sits there. Is there a calibration solution that is about 1382? Or am i doing something totally wrong?

    Because now, if I clear that and just take a reading of that 1500ppm solution, it reads at like 1035 give or take.. So it's definitely off.

    If you have read through this and have any advice thank you very much. I get wary of asking ppl at grow stores, due to living in non legal state..



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