Having problems with White Castle in hydro

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by whatuthinkin, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. I am just copying what I wrote in my journal so that I don't have to type it all again. Lemme know if you need more information or pictures. Also look at the new growth. All the small burnt looking leaves are from cloning and should fall off soon.

    I am growing in DWC using GH FloraNova grow only. 600w MH with cool-tube. I have 2 WC plants in one system and 2 Purple Haze plants in another system. Both systems are separate from each other. They both have the same nutes at the same strength and have the same pH. Using the same light and same air yet the Purple plants are doing great. Not showing any signs of having problems.

    I had problems with the plant in soil at first due to pH issues but this doesn't look like the same thing.

    Also the leaves that are just about to come out of the plant in these pictures are now full leaves and they are spotted with the light-green and dark green at the ends of the leaves. It almost looks like a pH issue but it is set where I have read that it needs to be at. Could it be not enough nutes or too many nutes?

    White Castle:

    Well they are both taking off now which is very exciting but there is something wrong. :eek: I don't know what it is. Everything is set correctly. The leaves on both plants are light green to yellow in the middle and then towards the tips it turns dark green and is curling somewhat. I hope you can see it enough in the pictures to determine the problem.
    They both are showing these signs but both seem to be growing well.

    Here are the current conditions in the box.

    Temp - 75*
    PPM approx 900
    Light is over 12" from plants due to the buckets being so far away from the center.
    pH - 6.0-6.3 (It was at 6.2 when I noticed the problem 2 days ago. I brought it down to 6.0 and today it is reading 6.3.)


    This is the 2nd WC plant.
  2. Bump. Any help would be awesome right now.
  3. looks like iron or sulfer deficiency to me, just check my link for sick plants in my sig at the bottom, its got lots of pics
  4. and also your PH and ppm, if you were in soil, your ph would be fine, but i see you in hydro, 5.3-5.5 is recomended and your plants are small, lower your ppm to 600 for now
  5. Ok an update. I think I have algae or pond scum or something along those lines as the res tank is starting to smell fishy..... I think it is due to the pump I had pumping water to the top of the plants. I have removed the pump from the system and when I removed it, it felt somewhat slimy. If this is the case will peroxide(H2O2) kill it and get rid of the smell or do I need to drain my system and clean it?

    Also pH is at 6.0 right now.
  6. i would empty the res clean it out with peroxide(H2O2), and when you refill the res add a mixture of peroxide(H2O2) in the res water at a diluted ratio, what ratio i do knot know
  7. Well my res is part of my system. 3 5 gallon bucket system with 2 plants. The center bucket has no plant in it so I can adjust ph and add water w/o disturbing the plants. So I really don't want to do that because that entails taking the plants out of the buckets which I really do not want to do.
  8. Well the mods decided to delete my other thread. Guess they would rather my plants die because this forum does not get enough traffic.

    Everyone is talking about the H2O2 and I even knew about it but how much should I actually use? I know that I need to use it but how much is what I need to know.
  9. just start a new thread about h2o2 and ask just that...
  10. #10 whatuthinkin, Feb 15, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 15, 2010
    Bump up. I am still having problems. The plants are a lot larger but still same problems just on a lot larger leaves.

    Here is a link to my most recent update with pictures and information about the system at this present time. Here are a few pictures showing the problem. There are more in the link.


    Also the algae that I have is Brown Algae and the H2O2 didn't work. I have ordered some Physan 20 to try and combat this issue and it should be here later this week.

    -Edit- I think it is over fert. This is the first time I have seen this particular thread and the nute burn picture towards the beginning looks exactly like this now that my plant is larger. I will be draining half my system tomorrow and see if the issue stops.

    Marijuana Plant Abuse

  11. to me looking at those pics i see toxic salt buildup, or overfertilization
  12. Well the nutes were change a week ago so I don't think it could be the salt build-up yet as it has been doing this since it started growing. I believe that I will be draining half the system and put fresh water in so it will cut the nutes in half.

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