I have five plants about four weeks in, they are all in ff ocean forest soil and are outdoors. My partner added nutes last week once, but didn't reduce the amount used from the amount recommended. Some of the plants are decent and others worse.. The problems include the stalk not being straight, one plant with leaves turned upwards a bit, leaves a bit droopy, and they overall just don't look lively or to be growing much. It has been raining a decent amount lately but I am unable to cover or mvoe them out of the rain. Any tips or advice is appreciated!
Dont over nute them. Read read read all about growing pot. If you ask questions on GC, you will get an asshole like me answering your questions.
Yea, reading is your friend. But I understand getting over protective of your babies. Like Dan said, don't over nute them, but make sure your nutes have iron in them.