Seems like every "decent" job out in the world makes it impossible to be 420 friendly. Right now I'm on the search for an entry position in the welding industry, and i see the two words i fear to see the most on a job ad, "drug test". The world makes Marijuana users out to be some burnt out, non motivated people that remain on the bottom of the social ladder. And it's frustrating. I like Marijuana because it gives me a break from life problems almost every normal human being goes through. It makes everything better, etc. Now if i were in an interview, and I knew I wasn't going to be drug tested, but was asked if I have ever done drugs, Marijuana being affiliated under that name, I would no doubt be straight up honest and say I'm 420 friendly. I would surely also mention, I have no interest in coming to work high off my ass. What I do outside my job, shouldn't be my employer's concern, as long as it's not affecting my work ethic. So with all that said, is it possible to hold down a secure, decent job & be 420 friendly? I'm just looking for a topic to discuss on this site with other grasscity members, and how you guys manage to get by. Not any specific answers. I know there's ways to beat the drug test, by taking a break before the test, using someone else's urine, or wasting your hard earn money on some product that might get you by.
only low tier jobs drug test because its aimed at kids. the corporate world doesnt really give a fuck. my bro works for a space company and he said they would never drug test or theyd have no employees.
What company? I bet it's not NASA because they probably drug test the shit out of everyone working there. *Sigh*
[quote name='"thestonedstoner"'] What company? I bet it's not NASA because they probably drug test the shit out of everyone working there. *Sigh*[/quote] yeah they probably do. he works at spacex.
Independent contractor for the TV industry Lots of jobs if you know what to look for.. I'm 19 and I'll probably make close to 60K this year
I've noticed this. Sometimes I think I might as well do something that will get me some $$$ to goto school, learn a few things, then start my own business. I really don't want to work in an office cubicle.
[quote name='"RedheadWonder"'] I've noticed this. Sometimes I think I might as well do something that will get me some $$$ to goto school, learn a few things, then start my own business. I really don't want to work in an office cubicle.[/quote] if you want it then go for it. also even if a company drug tests its usually just once before hiring you just stop for a few weeks and get your job and then business as usual.
Yeah but then I hear the stories of a random drug test taking place and someone losing their job because of it.
I'm 18 and work in a hospital drawing blood samples and I was never tested. Quite a bit of the people I work with all smoke. I haven't had to do a random either and I don't know anyone that has. We didn't even have to sign a disclosure allowing them to test, which all my former jobs did and enforced. Only if you are injured are you tested.
Easiest way for you to find out for yourself is to just PA for a couple of small shoots n pilots then kinda target what you see as a cool job then start networking and learning on the job like motherfucker. You live in a big city or small town?
what's PA? haha And I live on the western side of Washington state. about an hour away from Seattle, and 30 mins from Everett.