having a big heart and a pussy

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by since93, Sep 28, 2011.

  1. is what, i think, makes such women....you know...fuck a lot...

    so sluts are like...very charitable people
  2. Or maybe they just like sex as much as guys, but im talking out of my ass so dont listen to me.
  3. Nothing wrong with a girl who likes sex. She just has to put up with every other female calling her a slut. Tsk tsk
  4. Big pussy? No thanks
  5. sluts are great in their own ways.

    if you're going to be a slut, be the best damn slut you can be!
  6. moral of the story: even sluts can be saints (think biblical reference)
  7. I'm not sure that's why all sluts have a lot of sex, but hey what do I know I'm not an expert on sluts.
  8. Difference between loving sex and having it a lot and having sex with whatever is willing. I'm sure we all know this just making sure.
  9. My bong is a slut. She lets everyone put her mouth on her. That dirty bitch!

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