Havin' girl problems.

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by cmori3, May 28, 2011.

  1. Couldn't help the Jay-Z reference.

    Anyway, there's this chick that i met a school dance. She was really hot, but also really quiet. A mutual friend of ours said that she "liked" me - clearly an overstatement as I'd never met her but I went and talked to her nonetheless. Although she was quiet, she seemed pretty in to me. I got her facebook and talked to her the next day.
    We talked for a few hours a night on video calls and shit for the next week. At the start I asked her to come out with me that saturday, which was today. So I met her and her friend and her friend's boyfriend, and we saw a movie. Even though she was quiet and didn't tend to initiate much, we were making out and holding hands and shit throughout the movie. This wasn't really a surprise to me, as it had been obvious from the week of talking to her that she really wanted to go out with me, despite her dad being strict and the age difference (i'm 18, she's turning 16. 16 is legal age in australia).
    The shit part is that despite how well the day seemed to have gone, when i talked to her online tonight she seemed alot more apprehensive. When I asked if she wanted to go out she said that she liked me but she wasn't ready for one. And that she was overwhelmed from stuff today, although she also said she was fine with it. And she was saying that she wanted to get to know me better, then decide if she wanted to go out. This is the main thing she kept saying, although I wasn't really buying it.

    She's only been in one relationship before, went to third base (kinda) once. But she said it ended really badly and that she wants to 'just be herself' for a while. If I went out with her it'd take a long time, maybe longer than a year, to get past first base. According to her, anyway. This doesn't sit very good with me, I haven't had sex before so I know that since she's not ready, If i went out with her it'd either take a fuckload of time to get laid, or we'd break up and i'd be a virgin at an even more embarrassing age. that being said, i really like her so could maybe just deal with it.

    This all happened tonight so I haven't worked it out at all yet. Basically I want to decide whether I should do the get to know her better thing and hope she wasn't just trying to be nice the times she said it, or tell her that if she doesn't want to go out then i'm not going to bother with it and try and forget about her.
    I might feel a little bad about the second one, because she's so nice and felt all bad for putting me in a bad mood and shit. I'm just not certain that she likes me, or that there's any point in trying to date her or going along with her getting to know me better thing.

    Give me advice or tell me to harden the fuck up, whatever.

    TL;DR - Met a girl. both like each other. she is apparently frigid and shit even though she doesn't seem this way online in the week afterwards. Second time meeting her, making out and shit most of the time. Then when I talk to her after, she's all unsure and says she doesn't want a relationship because of her last boyfriend and her social issues with being all quiet etc etc. Fuck should I do?
  2. Sounds like she's sending you mixed signals. Dude, no offense, but she's 16, shes not going to know what she wants for another 3 or 4 years.

    She could be testing you by telling you all that stuff, seeing if your just their for sex and what not. Or she could be honest, damn women...

    Just tell her the truth. Your still a virgin, your embarrassed by it, and you don't want to invest 1 year just to have her break up with you and you not get any action.

    Honestly, I wouldn't be messing around with her, just a bucket of emotions and hormones that's liable to spill all over the place and make a mess every time you two make a step in any direction.
  3. Thanks man, that's good advice. Maybe I'll stick around a bit longer and see what happens.
  4. She's turning 16 ? So, she is still 15, correct ?

    Honestly man, I wouldn't waste any more effort on her. If you are wanting some action, you need to find someone closer to your age, or older.

    Sometimes acting disinterested can make a girl like you even more.
  5. She's turning 16 ? So, she is still 15, correct ?

    Honestly man, I wouldn't waste any more effort on her. If you are wanting some action, you need to find someone closer to your age, or older.

    Sometimes acting disinterested can make a girl like you even more.

    i agree with this fella ^^^
  6. I guess the action isn't that important to me, I could probably get laid before we went out if we did.
    But yeah, maybe you're right.
  7. I feel bad for you son
  8. Girls are like jigsaws man, they never make any sense even though you have all the pieces. Are you good with girls and asking them out n stuff like that? If so, it might be worth laying her off for a while, and finding another girl. The age difference (and possibly her dad) might have something to do with her being all closed off about the idea of sex. Is she worth your virginity or not though?
  9. Yeah, probably. Ionno I guess I'll just lay off for a while then. Ask around about brothels, etc..... :rolleyes:

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