Haven't smoked weed in 7 months how will eating edibles turn out?

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by theironlungs, Mar 1, 2017.

  1. Haven't smoked in a while. Throughout the months I've had the motivation to start smoking again but could not gain any access because of my leisure time, Haven't smoked in so long that I forgot the feeling of being stoned. Anyways I found that eating edibles is my only way to get high since I can't really smoke anywhere else. And now I'm asking is it a good idea to eat an edible even though you have not smoked in a long ass time?
  2. Only 1 way to find out.

    But if it were me, I'd eat small amounts instead of eating too much.
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  3. Go for it! Just know how strong the edible is and make sure you don't have anything to do the rest of the day!
  4. Just go slow, take a bite, wait an hour and work your way up to find a good dose, you definitely don't want to eat too much because you will be on a wild ride for 8+ hours
  5. Hopefully a vunderball experience!

    Don't be like some of these bad ass wannabes who claim to smoke like snoop yet a few puffs from a blunt or a 5mg edible sends them over the edge.

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