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Haven't smoked in almost ten years.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Jacosimo, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. This is probably gonna sound pretty stupid, but I figured I'd share it none the less. I used to smoke quite a bit, but I quit completely about ten years ago. I was in my early 20's, and I guess it was part of the whole "gotta get serious about life" mindset that I had back then. In reality, I'm no more successful and productive now that I was back then. Weed had absolutely no negative impact on me whatsoever. If anything, I was a much more relaxed, and easy-going person back then. I used herb to relax and have a good time. I never used any other drugs, and I've never enjoyed drinking. Another reason why I gave up herb was that it became such a pain in the ass to get.

    My career as a stoner started when I was about 16 years old, and ironically, it didn't start well. I liked getting ripped, but got SUPER paranoid several times. After a few years however, I realized that herb could be enjoyed like a good wine, in moderation. I was never the "suck down a bowl" type of stoner. My hits would be spread out slowly over the course of an hour or two, and I'd build up to my buzz. I have no clue if any of you can even remotely relate to what I'm saying, and frankly I think this is the first time I've ever tried to explain it to anyone! Anyway, that's how it was for me. I absolutely loved to long as I didn't get ripped too quickly. Then, I'd get paranoid. If I followed my own rule however (which I always did once I learned my lesson in the beginning), getting stoned was always a wonderful experience.

    I really miss smoking, and even though all this time has passed I still think about it. It was a stupid thing to give up, and in hindsight I know I wasn't doing anything to hurt myself. Has anyone here taken a weed "hiatus"? Is there something wrong with me for feeling like smoking weed is the only way I can truly kick back and relax? It's been so fucking long since I've been able to take one of those long, deep, stoned sighs....or since I've yawned like I used to. That overall feeling of wellness that smoking gave me....Damn...That's what I miss. Nothing compares to it.
  2. thats the reason i use it not to get high but to relax i like to get high as hell with my buds but alone its just so relaxing
  3. Man i think you should start toking again, it seems like you really want too and theres nothing wrong with getting stoned every now and then. Enjoy the herb but dont forget what your main goals in life really are!

  4. it sounds like you need to start toking.

    I would pick up a gram of dank. That sounds like it could last you about a week if you dont smoke much.
  5. I was expecting a retarded post for various reasons (a big influx of them) but I am very glad to say I was wrong.

    Jacosimo, you hit the nail on the head. Weed is just like a fine wine. You have to savor the taste and enjoy it, not just suck it down. Use it to relax and recuperate, you do not have to get blitzed every time you smoke. If it makes you more comfortable to smoke a little, then just smoke a little. If you really want to savor the taste of bud then buy a vaporizer, it's easily the best way to smoke (in my opinion). You inhale none of that unhealthy smoke, just smooth tasty vapor.

  6. when you do start, take it nice and easy my brotha...since its been a while ;)
  7. Eh man, nothing wrong with enjoying some bud. If I were you, I'd buy an eighth and just let it last me a long time, set it in a jar, and every now and again roll a nice joint, or pack a nice pipe. Whatever you want man, it sounds like something you really enjoyed doing and something you really miss; why make yourself miserable over not smoking? Find a couple other people who enjoy weed the same as you and you could invite them over to enjoy a little weed. Don't regret the choices you make bro because you can always make the choice to change it.
  8. #8 Oceanic, Feb 4, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 4, 2011
    I definitely think you should start toking again if you feel you can afford to (financially and professionally). I used to be able to "build up" to that high like yourself, but when certain circumstances and situations arise, it's hard to not smoke a few times per day... and before you know it, you're smoking more and more each time you smoke because your so used to smoking multiple times per day. So don't let those circumstances arise. :p
  9. Haha it's called grasscity man, for all of us its completly normal to smoke. You should start again, I think once you get some information on here you'll understand why smoking the herb is one of the best things in the world.
  10. Thanks for all the replies! I'm gonna poke around and see if I can pick myself up a quarter in the near future. Damn....I used to LOVE going to the movies ripped. I also loved tying one on before doing things that I didn't wanna do, like going to weddings. Every other weekend while I was in my 20's, I had to attend a fucking wedding. Your 20's are the "wedding years". Your 30's are the years that you hear about all the divorces that those weddings ended in, myself not excluded.
  11. Yeah, I took went on hiatus for about two years. Started as a "Shit, I'm going to fail out of college" thing plus some misguided religious motives, but I started again and definitely don't regret it. Now I've been on another short break while job hunting. I got hired a couple weeks ago, but they keep pushing the date for the drug test back. So *hopefully* I'll take that Monday and I'll pack a bowl with my girl as soon as I get home.

    And I had to assume that you were going to start again, since you were asking the stoners' forum if you should or not. Haha, you already knew what answer you wanted.

    Oh, and I also agree with the pacing your smoke idea. I like to take my time and enjoy it, and also avoid the occasional paranoia.

    Anyway, welcome to GC, and enjoy that herb. :smoke:
  12. Cannabis is used to improve life, and my guess is that you got your self on track considering you have stopped smoking for 10 years, so why not get a gram, and you only need one hit to get high. Considering you went on the longest t-break ever:smoke:
  13. damn you took a long t-break, im sure you got all the thc out of your system :p

    i am the same way most of the time, i like to take small hits over the course of an hour just because my high is more comfortable and enjoyable.

    are you going to pick up smoking again? or better yet try buying a vape :smoke:

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