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Havent smoked for a month

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Shabab, Oct 3, 2010.

  1. and I will be smoking mid grade dank in a week... will it be like my first time?
  2. uh, yeah most likely.
  3. um no. Not at all. The first time, everything is new.
    What's gonna happen, is your probably gonna get really high, but you will be used to it, so

    no, it will not be like your first time. It never will.
  4. Yea bro, last time I had a one month t-break and I smoked some good weed. I felt like I was pissing my pants, I couldnt follow the conversations in the room, and my buddies said I was just zonin out haha. I still remember a lot of that high because it was so much fun, I was playing MW2 and I was owning with the throwing knife, like I would cock that knife back, and go to the plane in terminal and pop up that ladder in the back and throw the knife all the way down the plane and get a headshot. This happened a few times too! but anyways, I suck with everything else in that game haha.

    and if your smoking some indica, you might want a little caffeine after you smoke so you dont pass out.
  5. Well my "first time" i had no idea WTF i was doing... i smoked like 1g of dank, went inside, and literally passed out as soon as i hit the couch because it took a while to hit...

    but my second time i had music playing like softly... i could barely hear it and it just took me away... will that happen?

  6. honestly, it will be fucking sweet though, you know what getting high is like, so you wont freakout. Just make sure your in a comfortable low risk place, and tunes are a must, but you probably know that.
  7. You might get as high as you were the first time, but it wont feel like the first time.

    See the first time is disorienting, cause you don't know whats coming.

    That said, you'll get insanely high. You probably wont fall down the stairs and suddenly regain consciousness 15 minutes later laughing.

    You might get close. I've waited a month, then smoked some uber-dank weed (I mean, REALLY fucking dank, like seriously, I haven't seen weed like I had that time to this day) and it was pretty close to the first time. Yet, you still know what it is, so its not the same. Its familiar.

  8. what the hell is mid grade dank?

  9. its like a certified used car. Its still a used car, but you feel better knowing that its certified. :smoke:
  10. Maryjane will be eagerly awaiting your arrival with warm and open arms so that you may walk together onward into the setting sun.
  11. lol. this cracked me up for some reason:smoke:

  12. Sounds like dealer BS in both situations.

  13. haha it is:smoke:
  14. Yo dude,

    don't worry, you'll be smoking soon.

    I'm the exact opposite of sober right now though :smoke:

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