Shes like in mid thirties, grows shrooms too but I had to quit weed and i'm desperate at the moment. Doubt she hardly even remembers me cuz i only picked up like 3 times before...would you call if you really wanted weed? I just don't wanna seem sketch cuz there was a bust like 7 doors away from her last week.
2 months isnt very long, i dont see what the big deal is, call like you normally would and she dont wanna deal with you its her loss
Yeh bro, you shouldn't worry about it. Just give her a call like you normally would. Shouldn't be any trouble.
Typical dealer response after 2 months of not getting pot from them: "Hell no I won't deal you pot! I hate making money, and you haven't spoken to me for 2 months!" Call her it should be good. A few days ago I got 2 oz's of mids for a camping trip with some other folks from a dude I hadn't bought off of or spoke to all summer. Just barged right in the door and asked what's good. He was cool about it, dealers don't care.
i dont know man, id bet she thinks your a narc or something with the recent bust by her house and all, like dude said though, its worth a shot...