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Have your legs ever fell asleep while high?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by dLN, Oct 9, 2010.

  1. So we were passing some joints around in my friend's living room. We were sitting on the floor. I had my legs crossed for the whole maybe 15 minutes. After we got finished, I realized my legs fell asleep. Usually when this happens I just stand up and it goes away in like 20 seconds.

    This time when I was high it really fucked me up. I stood up and my feet felt like they were stubs. I was balancing on stilts. My legs stayed asleep for like 5 minutes. It was REALLY uncomfrotable.
  2. If my legs fell asleep while i had a body stoned i probobly wouldnt know untill i got up and just collapsed on the floor like a limp noodle.
  3. I have had my left leg fall asleep once but i was really really REALLY stoned and i dont ever smoke that much but it was at a party, although i do get the twitchys in my legs sometimes.
  4. I've had that happen to me before. I distinctly remember thinking it felt like it was 'raining inside my legs'. LOL
  5. last time that happened to me i was standing and out of nowhere my right leg went numb. thankfully i was already leaning on something or i would have fell on my ass

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