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Have you seen this gorgeous nug before?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by CurtChronic, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. #1 CurtChronic, Jan 17, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 17, 2010
    I saw someones avatar that (I think) had this nug in it. I'm trying to find the origins of it if anyone knows. If you're wondering why, there is a guy on another forum I am on who claims it is/was his but I think he's full of it. I've always been curious if there was a way to find out if it's true or not and I figured this would be the best place to ask. ;)

  2. That is gorgeous. I feel baked just looking at it. As for where it's from, no idea. Damn, that's the dankest nug I've ever seen!
  3. Looks like the finest starship vessel in the galaxy
  4. I bet that smokes like bliss...
  5. Looks delicious!

    Never seen that pic before though.
  6. Look's alot like a bud I got here in so'cal said it was called purple creme, I dunno it's bomb weed beautiful.
  7. i looked at that nug and jizzed in my pants
  8. looks like blackberry

  9. I would smoke that hard.:smoking::smoking::smoking:
  10. Isn't that grandaddypurps avatar if I'm not mistaking?
  11. You know the weeds good when even the THC crystals look like they're forming psychedelic patterns on the bud.
  12. That looks nugtastic!:smoking:

  13. I quoted this post and I jizzed in my pants.
  14. Try to look for Razzleberry it's a medical strain from Cali
  15. No but if you find it call me. I would do unspeakable things to get an oz of that.
  16. LOLD ya me too
  17. I want to smell it. I bet it smells so skunky.
  18. :smoking:
    I would too I would smoke it up in a jay like I just smoked some juicy fruit mmmm

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