Have you heard of this?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Key2gb, Sep 22, 2008.

  1. Ahh, so this is where the government keeps all the money they've stolen from us.
  2. Holy Money Pit, Batman!

    Maybe these guys should be bailing out wall street, instead of us little folks?
  3. even more...what's to stop them from just keeping it all?...and it's the same people who own the Fed...very strange I'd say
  4. Sounds like a government-supported monopoly. Remnants of a New Deal?

    Does everyone automatically assume negative intentions?
  5. that one reason why bush want 700 billion dollar bail out
  6. #7 Key2gb, Sep 25, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 25, 2008
    we don't have to assume it - just look at it, did you read the whole thing? regardless of their intentions, the fact that something like this exists - without the majority of the public knowing at that - is ridiculous

    bkadoctaj do you think the Fed is a good or bad institution? (not morally, i'm talking policies), (from the POV of the country's citizens)

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