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Have you guys ever seen this? Crazy reaction

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by bluvapor, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. Alright so I've been smoking for about a year straight now, on a off before. I've smoked with countless amount of people, however last Friday something I had not yet seen happened.

    I was smoking with some buddies, laughing our asses off, just having a good time. This girl couldn't figure out how to use the bong (we were high as fuck) so we we're just like, "lets just light it up and get it ready for her and she just clears it". (she had only smoked about 3 times before this)

    I loaded like .4 or .5 in the bowl, some fire shit, it was definitely bomb. She cleared it as fast as she could (about 3 ft bong), and I told her to suck in more and hold it (it was milky as fuck in the bong). She held it for maybe 4-5 full seconds and let it out. Then she just started walking around the house with much anxiety. She came back in the room, fell to the ground, starting freaking out, kicking, screaming, punching everyone and slapping me like 10 times (we wern't gonna fight back we were just blocking her - she got a few good hits on my face, lol i was just high as shit). It was like 4 guys and her just trying to smoke, not trying to deal with her freaking out for like 20 min (she was uncontrollably crying and screaming). I have seen this kind of a bad trip on shrooms but NOT weed...EVER

    We could not get her to calm down, after like 20 min she came out of this 'devil possessed trip' and started saying how I was a horrible person and how she almost died and she was gonna write a book or something about it because weed is the worst feeling ever blah blah (like near death experience she explains). I'm sure if that happened to me (what she explained to me later) I would not smoke again but DAMN, has anyone EVER heard of this?

    Sorry if this in the wrong section. Thanks guys!
  2. dude..if she did that shit on WEED NEVER EVER EVER show her shrooms or LSD..and dam dude if i was you id say peace to that chick cuz she kinda sounds like a psycho..i mean ive freaked out on weed before (like 1st or 2nd time) but i was just seein colors n shit..i wish i could get as high again as i did that day..anyway yea it seems like she just had what me and my friends call a "bitch fit" basically where someone completely overreacts cuz they cant handle the state there in

    ride the high dont fight it:smoke:
  3. This happens alot with girls, because for some reason or another they get anxietic but it is really nothing that bad, just anxiety.
  4. ahahahaha i would probably just consider her legit insane from that point on. tell her she is crazy and that normal people dont have psychotic episodes when they blaze
  5. Never seen a chick flip out, but I did have a chick accuse me of smoking her out with laced weed.

    It was some chick my boy brought to my mom's house when I was like 16. She had only smoked weed like once before, and I dont think the girl had really ever been stoned. Well I had just bough this new bong and she thought it was the coolest thing, so I served her a fat bong rip out of it.

    She coughed for like 2 min straight LOL. No lie, I felt bad for her. She took WAY too big of a hit for her lil virgin lungs. Well after about 10 min, she just slowly drifted off in a recliner in my room. She literally PASSED out within 20 min. My boy had to fuckin carry her to her truck and drive her home. He told me she was talkin shit about me, sayin I gave her laced bud. LOL

    I have been smokin daily for like 13 years. I have NEVER EVER come across laced weed.
  6. Yea, she accused me saying it was laced but I know for a fact it's not, I know the grower personally (like best friends lol).

    It was definitely weird, and she truly had the trip - we thought she was just faking at first.

    Shit like that trips me out when I'm high cus in the back of my mind I always think it might be laced otherwise why would that happen? But I'm just stoned that's why I think that lol.

    That's what I was trying to tell her. I was like "it's too late, just enjoy the high and stop freaking out" and she was just seizing and she took the water bottle we used for the bong and just poured it everywhere all over her self and shit. It was creepy.
  7. Something similar happened to me once. I was working on a industrial water heater at work when I got shocked really bad. The screwdriver bent, had black scorch marks, huge sparks flew out about 4 feet in every direction, and a piece of metal welded itself to the tip. So I said fuck it get a professional to do it because i almost died. I left and went straight to my friends house to smoke. well I had told him about it while we were smoking. Well I got very stoned and he started telling me that I am going into shock and I started to freak out. I knew that going into shock would mean that you would have to go to the hospital because untreated it will kill you. So I forced myself to stay awake for the rest of the high because I thought if I fell asleep I would not wake up. Well if that was not enough a group of people came up yelling that my friends roommates had called his girlfriend the n-word and there were like 10 people at the door yelling and threatening each other and I knew for a fact that 3 had felony's for assault so Im like fuck Someone is going to call the cops and I would have to jump off the second balcony because there was no way I was getting through the front door. It did not want the cops to come because I had a Ounce on me that I had just bought. So things like that happen because of the environment your in when your smoking and your state of mind. She most likely thought she was having a bad reaction due to the fact she has never been that stoned
  8. this. my ex girlfriend absolutely lost her mind once, and it was almost the exact same situation. she couldn't hit the bong so i was like we'll show you how and blah blah and eventually she took the hit, and she just fuckin lost it. started crying, ran away from everyone and i had to chase after her and she was making absolutely no sense.

    i later found out that she must have just gotten a ridiculous panic attack because she thought we were making fun of her for not being able to hit the bong by herself, and that led her to all sorts of delusional thinking and erratic behavior.
  9. It's her brain saying this:

    What's going on, I've never felt like this before...
    Holy shit I've never died before either...
    I must be dying.
  10. shes probably never ACTUALLY been high before. if i cleared a 3 footer with a good amount of dank id be high as helllllll. im surprised she took all of it

    edit: now that i think about it iv never hit a bong bigger than 2 ft
  11. My advice would be to never smoke with or around that chick ever again, obviously she cant handle it and you dont want her getting the law involved just cause you tried to help out and get her lifted, and she for sho couldnt take the dankieness. if you do continue to kik it with this girl you may wanna pack up the oney w/ some schwag.
  12. Believe it or not, I've had this kind of thing happen to me on two separate occasions. The first one can be read about here (I tried to post that thread in Seasoned Tokers and it was deleted, but I digress). The second one was just the other night, when this little Asian guy on my hall ate a few too many special brownies. He started hopping up and down and saying "Help! Help!" in a little voice. Then he decided he couldn't stand up anymore, lay down on the floor, and just sat there for half an hour or so. He kept freaking out, and asking us if he was going to die - OP, you said your friend described some kind of "near death experience" she thought she had?

    I guess these people are just getting reeeeaaallly stoned, to the point of extreme paranoia? I don't know. Weird shit no matter what. :confused:
  13. bitches man......
  14. Yea she did say she had a "near death experience". I do remember at one point when she was seizing, she actually did choke for a little bit (5 to 6 seconds) which scared me thinking that she would have problems breathing.

    She kept yelling "I can't breath, I'm dieing" and then start choking. It was pretty scary - I "talked" her out of the high/bad trip by calmly talking to her and "promising everything was going to be OK". That cooled her jets however after that she just claimed how I tried to kill her and how bad of a person I was (she also said she was gonna call the cops but after like 15 min longer she decided she wasn't lol).

    Oh yea, I forgot to mention it was one of the buddy's girlfriends that we were smoking with, and after her 'possessed trip' she yelled out "I break up with you!" and seconds after was saying how she was "just kidding", so I knew she was still trippin then even through she wasn't seizing and stuff. But you can imagine how awkward that would make things on top of the fact she was still tripping out, lol.
  15. Honestly dude she probably was just a newbie and just got really really high. I wouldn't freak out, I know people that get like that on bud.
  16. maybe she over dosed- hah just kidding
  17. was she drunk too or what?? this bitch sounds dumb.don't hang out will lame asses.
  18. maybe you shouldn't have had her smoke so much when its only her 3rd time... you just got someone to dislike weed, nice... and on the other hand. most girls react weird if they don't smoke alot.
  19. girls are just dramatic by default
  20. haha that's hilarious, and that's probably the best advice to give a first timer, "ride the high, don't fight it" and yeah, my first time, i felt weird, like i thought i was dying because i just kept laughing but not hysterically just kinda like i was laughing but i didn't really think anything was funny, and i kept keeling over and there were trails like when you trip and everything was very fuzzy and i started to get nervous because it felt so god damn fucked up but i've never seen someone have such a bitch fit lol i just kinda asked my friends if i was going to die lol


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