HAve you guys ever had an out of body experience with weed?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by yippykaiyay, Nov 29, 2018.

  1. I'm having one right now and it feels really weird. I'm not in a negative state of mind or anything I'm bpretty chill. I'm watching a youtube video and this guy was laughing at something in the videos and I said aloud "Man that dude can laugh." and it sounded like someone in the room said it. I literally turned around. It was my voice but it sounded like my twin or sometghing.

    And then but body felt loose as if my soul was slipping out of it and moved away to observe it. I once watched a psychedelic movie that dug into this phenomenon but I forgot the name, If anyone know the name, comment it please.

    Anyway, has anyone experienced this shit because this shit is wild. Pretty sure it's like the 3-1/2 dimension.
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  2. Hallucinating Hash Capsules for Hemp Heads


    A couple to many of these will do it every time but that is why I make them as wickedly strong as I do.
    LMAO :)
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  3. That sounds scary tho. Too strong and I have panic attacks and think I’m dying

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  4. You can dial down the anxiety side of an edible stone by either adding more decarb time or extending the cook time after it's in oil.
    I can change the effects quite a bit by changing how I do either step.

    You still have to find your own ideal dose as that is the fun part of edibles. Was a while before I stopped licking the dish clean and winding up hammered off my ass for 3 or 4 hours before the trip softened enough to be enjoyable.
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  5. A few times and it's a great bonus when it happens. It helps by meditating when smoking weed - weed gets one into a hypothesized/trance like state so much easier and bingo....

    It's a skill and a good one. Dont be scared, but embrace it. IT can lead you on a path of high consciousness and improve your intuition in life.
  6. One time I was smoking weed and the earth started spinning.
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  7. This one time at Band Camp.
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  8. The few times I've had OOBEs with weed were when I first smoked a really strong sativa. I smoked a fat joint with a neighbor. By the time we finished it, it still hadn't hit so we're like "it's the usual ditch weed." After a few minutes, it finally kicks in. Definitely felt and saw strobe-light effects, or trails similar to shrooms or LSD. I got super agitated from the sativa and could not sit down or stand still. Had to get up and start moving around, shadow boxing, etc. My brain was not allowing me to speak in complete sentences, they would just trail off. Then I started to get extreme anxiety and sort of popped through to a blank state. I would come to in a different room, not remembering how I got there, very similar to a drunk blackout. Probably lost an hour or two that day. Is that an out of body experience or just disassociation?
  9. Think it would take more than weed for me. Deep thought is one thing out of body experience lmao.
  10. Suspect that is mostly a personal explanation for what you experience that would not be interpreted so by some others like this person. Given the nature of strong weed highs, it does not surprise me that some might feel so. Also never hallucinate though again understand where that comes from due to sensory expansions. Closing one's eyes a massive internal sensory world is in one's awareness however when I open my eyes the real visual is intense while I don't see phantom elements.
  11. Only one time, I don't know what the fuck happened, I know it wasn't laced as I had smoked numerous buds of the same batch prior. So I smoke and all of a sudden I knew something was off I became barely conscious and crawled from the bathroom to my bed where I curled up into a ball. I don't even know how to describe other than I left my body and was in ethereal form floating above my body staring into the abyss while the abyss replayed moments from my life kind of like a life review you would picture when you died, I also went into this huge psychological evaluation where I could see the direction causation for all my neurosis. It was an experience....lol

    I've had a few edible experiences where I would eat an entire 400mg brownie in one sitting that got me pretty close but nothing like that one time.
  12. The middle of that quote can look really wrong out of context.
  13. I blacked out from smoking too much and collapsed smashing my head into a window of a coffeeshop called Rokkerai in Amsterdam. I had only smoked a few joints in my life at this point and went on the trip with some veteran smokers.

    Anyways i decided that i didn't want to come across as a light weight and kept up the smoking pace with my buddies, i shit you not i slumped into the back of my seat, blacked out and hallucinated the front cover of the Pink Floyd album, a running rainbow. Managed to wake up, headed outside and blacked out again, luckily a cyclist was on hand to catch me.

    That kinda felt like an outer body experience.

    edit: to add at this point i had never even listen to or saw the front cover of the album.
  14. Not to that extent but it doesn’t take a lot for me to disassociate. I just disappear for a few seconds with no idea why. Then I pop back into consciousness and try to reason out why and what happened. Rinse repeat. It’s not all that fun for me to be honest. It’s a sign of too much for me.
  15. Yes .. a long day and some mixed good stuff . A couple experienced smokers got wrecked .. normally talkative types got silent for a couple hrs and had a similar feel to 4 hrs after a dead show
  16. or your schizo.

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