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Have you gotten high and reflected on the Chic-Fila-A situation?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by mindx, Aug 4, 2012.

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  1. It's terrible really. Hard-working Americans who paved the way for their families through their success are boycotted for having their beliefs re: gay marriage. A nation of spineless, politically correct ass-kissers is what we are.
  2. ^LOL, your sig made that post so lulzy

  3. Thanks, I love her. :p
  4. No, they are boycotted for being outspoken about funding anti-gay organizations and organizations that actively fight to have the rights of our LGBT population repressed.

    I am a lesbian, I am proud, and I am never going to give Chick-Fil-A another penny to use against me. I would hope my friends, family, and fellow humans would support me, but that is their decision. Having the choice is what makes me proud to be an American.
  5. [quote name='"mindx"']It's terrible really. Hard-working Americans who paved the way for their families through their success are boycotted for having their beliefs re: gay marriage. A nation of spineless, politically correct ass-kissers is what we are.[/quote]

    They're free to have w.e beliefs, I don't see many people saying they should be going to jail :confused:

    People are also equally free to boycott - especially based on beliefs. Should people be forced into chick fil a? No idea what your solution is, or even what the problem really is. They're being boycotted because they don't believe in some rights of people in the LGBT community. Those people and any sympathizers have every right to boycott, particularly considering the money is going towards organizations who have no issues with gays being outright executed.
  6. I just get high and I'm like mmmmm. Chicken.
  7. I love their lemonade. So I don't care who likes gays or not.
  8. I do not understand why there's arguments about this going against gay's. Their chicken is delicious. Let's all just go eat at chick fil a.
  9. I don't get it
    Where the fuck does this asshole get off
    MY goes against the very foundations of this country...

    someone on a mid-Sunday in his town...wants a chicken sandwich, and his store is CLOSED!!!
  10. [quote name='"ScoobyJew"']I do not understand why there's arguments about this going against gay's. Their chicken is delicious. Let's all just go eat at chick fil a.[/quote]

    Here here! (raises glass)
  11. Anyone see the Palestinian chicken episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm? I feel like Larry David with my beloved sandwiches.
  12. I think its really really funny that we care what the president of our fast food resturants think. Like come on, fast food places shouldnt take opinions on anything but recipes and prices. I like theyre chicken, so I dont care what theyre opinion is. Its like people who try and boycott bands for theyre message or whatever, get over it.
  13. #14 smokintoke, Aug 4, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 4, 2012
    The only thing i am mad about is the fucking sandwiches man!!!

  14. [quote name='"ArnoldLayne"']I think its really really funny that we care what the president of our fast food resturants think. Like come on, fast food places shouldnt take opinions on anything but recipes and prices. I like theyre chicken, so I dont care what theyre opinion is. Its like people who try and boycott bands for theyre message or whatever, get over it.[/quote]

    People don't care what he thinks, more of where a large portion of that money is going. That's a reasonable reason to not give that place money.
  15. They have some good ass food, damn now I got the munchies.
  16. I find it funny that they've been donating to anti-LGBT foundations for a few years now, but nobody cared til the Henson Corporation lifted their toys...

    I don't eat there anymore either way, and I haven't for a year or two now. I can't justify knowing that some portion of my money is going against something I stand so firmly for.
  17. #18 Vicious, Aug 4, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 4, 2012
    I can't believe the impact this is having, it's the owner of a fast food chain's opinion. It's common knowledge that the place is owned by a Christian man, it shouldn't be surprising that he is anti-gay. I dislike the man for his for his stance and donations but the fact that a fast food place is being correlated with the gay rights is ridiculous.

    This is no different than when Oreo said they support the gay community, it's just the flipside.
  18. When I first heard about it, I was sober and didn't give a shit.

    After blazing, I still don't give a shit.
  19. All I can say is that I work at a fast food place next to one and when there line got to 30 cars and everyone came to us. So we had a successful day.
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