have you gain weight since u started smoking?

Discussion in 'General' started by dezz, Nov 28, 2011.

  1. I gained around 10 pounds since I stopped smoking weed. I say around because I have a really crazy metabolism. Ill go to bed weighing 175 and wake up weighing 170 or vice versa. But its been hovering around 170.
  2. No.
    I smoke less frequently then I used to...like I used to smoke every day now I smoke every couple weeks. I was skinnier when I smoked weed every day. Although it is the holidays so I'm not stressing :D
  3. Since I started smoking lost 25 pounds lol
  4. I've never been able to gain weight, and smoking didn't really change that. It helps me maintain though...whenever my stomach used to flare up my weight would fluctuate between 155-185. Now I'm consistently between 168-175
  5. YES!..when Im high I just think of the coolest munchie ideas so it makes me want to try them out!..its a vicouse cycle! haha
  6. [quote name='"dubaba"'] Ill go to bed weighing 175 and wake up weighing 170 or vice versa.[/quote]

    floating 3-5 pounds overnight is completely normal and should happen if you are healthy.

    considering i was 16 when i started smoking, i've gained about 45 pounds since haha.
  7. #27 StonedSwimmer, Nov 28, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 28, 2011
    I'm on ADD meds so I dont eat much when I take them. But I do have a fast metabolism and my weight is very consistent. I lost some muscle weight since I quit swimming but my body fat has dropped like crazy since then.
    I also think that since weed excites your heart rate, there is in increase in resting metabolism throughout your body.
  8. Im trying to gain weight, smoking helps my apetite thus helps me put down more food but I still only gain 1 or 2 pounds in a couple months then loose it real quick. But I guess I should be glad I have a fast metabolism FAST FOOD ALL DAY SON !
  9. Well when I first started smoking daily after an extended break (which was a year ago) I went from 6'1'' 225lbs to just around 205lbs. But since then I've gained most of it back and I haven't stopped smoking so I don't know what that tells you about a possible correlation between weed and weight loss.
  10. Correlation=Causation!
  11. I started smoking in 2006 so yes I have lol.
  12. I've been smoking for seven years and have maintained a healthy weight (by some opinions, I'm actually slightly underweight) the entire time.
  13. Nope i'm a scrawny mofo so it makes no difference and never seems to have
  14. Nope, weight has never really been a problem with me. Strong metabolism i guess.
  15. I totally have gained weight, I have killer munchies, gonna start stocking up on healthy snacks because they taste just as amazing as the crap food. I mean, what doesn't taste delightful while baked?

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