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Have you ever

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by SwiperNoSniping, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. Have you ever had that feeling were you come home and you think everyone in your household knows your high but doesn't want to confront you?! ahahah happend to me yesterday.
  2. yup. its called paranoia dude
  3. haha yes. happens when I get way too high.
  4. Haha, I think it happens to everyone.
    Especially at school...-_-

    I always get the feeling the teacher's gonna walk up to me & be like;
    "Are you high?"
  5. Yeah bro. happens to alot of people:smoking:
  6. Haha I went to the gym high the other day and felt like the entire gym knew.
  7. ^yeah i should REALLY stop lifting weights when im baked lol. I get way too paranoid about people watching and knowing that im high etc. just a couple of hits b4 the gym from now on (not like 15 lol).:D
  8. yep, with weed it's like everyone knows your high
  9. Sure I think about it sometimes, but I could care less if people know ;)

    Unless said people are the fuzz of course.
  10. yea dude,
    everyday at school I'd walk around giggling my ass off,
    don't remember a day I wasn't high,
    and having to see my friend who acted like a pteradactol everyday after lunch made it worse,
    one time my 5th pd teacher (i had 4th lunch) looked me right in my red bloodshot eyes,
    he asked why my eyes were so red,
    and i was like oh i dont sleep much
    he gave me a very sarcastic uh huh and continued helping me on my assignment
    scariest shit ever lol
    you're just being paranoid,
    everyone thinks it but you just have to push it to the back of your head,
    eyedrops really help it out too because you know you look straight
  11. Every time I'm out in public I think everyone is staring at me and knows I'm high.

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