Have You Ever Thought A Tranny Was Hot?

Discussion in 'General' started by Grand Daddy Purple, May 21, 2013.

  1. I mean before you knew he was a he, did you ever mistake a tranny for a real girl and thought she was pretty hot before you found out?
    I did, once, there was this chick(well dude)who came over, completely looked like a woman it was unbelievable  and yeah, I thought he/she was pretty good looking. But after I found out she was a he, I lost the attraction. I still hang with him, but sex and/or a relationship is now out of the question lol.
    Anyone else?

  2. one time i clicked a thumbnail of what looked like a beautiful girl on a free porn website.
    that's the closest i think.
    lmao, i've done that before, i'm talking more about real life encounters, though.
  4. there is an israeli singer, i forget the name but it is pretty hard to tell is possible at all
  5. haha ok.. there was a very unconvincing tranny who worked at the local napa autoparts store.
    definitely wasn't attracted to it at all - in fact, it made me feel uncomfortable whenever it came into the store i worked at.
  6. We used to warn the guys, taking leave in the Phillipines, to do a package check.
    Many of the "Billie Boys" were very attractive looking. They would have a few beers and think it was a hot chick. :smoke:
    I know someone who did that in Mexico...Almost made it back to his hotel and was pulled over, cops laughed at him and told him he was about to sleep with a guy.
    Only time I come across it is randomly on porn sites in the hot videos or some shit...Weird internets. :cool:
  8. was in a relationship with one for a short while

    I'm sure everyone has. Specially if you live in a big city, and you see a fine ass chick walking by, how do you know if their not a tranny? You don't, that is the magic of technology and plastic surgery and makeup, lol.
    That, for example, is a tranny. At first glance, she is pretty cute, and if I hadn't have told you she was a tranny, you would probably think the same thing.
    or her:
    You get my point. I'm sure we have all made this mistake. You all think trannies all look like this:
    But a lot of them don't. Easy mistake to make, trust me. These trannies are getting trickier and trickier.

  10. This site is a pain in the fucking ass sometimes...
  11. [​IMG]
    Thats the chick(tranny)I was trying to post in the first reply. Looks like a girl, right? Wrong.
  12. No, but I've seen pictures of the asian ones, and I can see how people would make the mistake. Luckily, asians are not my thing, so I'd never run into the problem. (No offense...:p)
  13. There was one tranny I saw once that looked insanley like a girl, was actually hot then I looked really close and could tell it was a guy. I have no problems with trannys but I was really freaked out that I thought she/he/it was hott. (with two T's)
  14. #15 Grand Daddy Purple, May 21, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 21, 2013
    I don't have a problem with them, per say. I have a problem when they lead you on and don't even tell you that their a tranny. Like, if you're too ashamed to let a guy know you got something dangling between you're leg, then why the fuck did you get all the surgery done in the first place to become one? That's the only problem I have, it's not a surprise i'm hoping to get from any girl lol
  15. yeah one time i was drinkin in a bar when a hot chick came over and offered to buy me a drink. I could hear some people giggling in the background. Talked to her for about 15 mins, then a guy tapped me on the shoulder and pointed to his adams apple and whispered "tranny" to me. Thats when I saw his adam's apple and I could not run out of there fast enough. Even the tranny was laughing.
    That's what always gets me, is the adams apple. I always forget to look at that, but it's not the first thing I look for in a girl I first meet, lol.
  17. I've been foiled once...
    Just once!
  18. no their massive adam's apple usually gives it away for me lol
    i do however find pics of trannys that look like real women on another forum from time to time at which point i repost them on my facebook to laugh at all the dudes going crazy over them until i reveal its a tranny....lol yea im an asshole
  19. I think I encountered a drag queen but never a tranny, guess I gotta visit Miami. 

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