Have you ever seen something paranormal/UFO/unexplainable?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by WoodHouse, Jan 29, 2014.

  1. #1 WoodHouse, Jan 29, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2014
    I recently saw a ufo for the first time. I'm a huge skeptic about most UFO sightings cause I think 90% it can be explained but I do believe in rare cases actual unexplainable events occur.
    I was driving home from work in the day time and I look up at the sky and I see this white/greyish cylindrical object moving between the clouds. The way it moved just looked so unnatural so I look down for a split second to grab my phone and record it and BAM it's gone...I literally must have had my head phone for maybe a 0.5 seconds but I lost all sight of it. Keep driving around looking for a glimpse of it but nothing.
    share your stories.

  2. used to see a man standing at my bedside when I was 4, every single night. Scared the fuck out of me because it was just my mom and I living in the house at the time.

    Also when I was in hawaii, I paid to go on a ghost tour with a friend (awesome experience when you're on vacation). They drove us from location to location where you bring your own camera and snap continuous shots until you got something. Anyways, so we were at our 2nd to last stop which was a mass execution site with bodies (supposedly) buried under the trail we were walking on. I wandered off looking to photograph a place where no one else was. Next thing I know I'm on the ground and everybody was surrounding me. The tour guide rushed over with some sacred leaves or sumthin and started blessing me and im like wtf is going on. When I got up they they had no idea what had happened, one of the other tourists found me there.

    and here and there some encounters with dead relatives that I have yet to share with anyone.


    Spirits are real. I don't have a theory for what happens when you die but i'm 100% certain you don't just rot into nothingness. I'm confident within the next few years we will have technology that will be able to map spirits that aren't visible to the human eye.
  3. [quote name="Slavakonov" post="19429953" timestamp="1391024214"]used to see a man standing at my bedside when I was 4, every single night. Scared the fuck out of me because it was just my mom and I living in the house at the time.Also when I was in hawaii, I paid to go on a ghost tour with a friend (awesome experience when you're on vacation). They drove us from location to location where you bring your own camera and snap continuous shots until you got something. Anyways, so we were at our 2nd to last stop which was a mass execution site with bodies (supposedly) buried under the trail we were walking on. I wandered off looking to photograph a place where no one else was. Next thing I know I'm on the ground and everybody was surrounding me. The tour guide rushed over with some sacred leaves or sumthin and started blessing me and im like wtf is going on. When I got up they they had no idea what had happened, one of the other tourists found me there.and here and there some encounters with dead relatives that I have yet to share with anyone.--Spirits are real. I don't have a theory for what happens when you die but i'm 100% certain you don't just rot into nothingness. I'm confident within the next few years we will have technology that will be able to map spirits that aren't visible to the human eye.[/quote]That's pretty neat. What did the man look like? Was it the same man every night?Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  4. You are gonna eat sooo many spider webs.
  5. #5 travilanche, Jan 30, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 30, 2014
    Once when I was about 23 I was at home from college at my parents house. I walked passed the open basement door on the way to my bedroom and I heard in the basement a little girl said "mommy?". And then an older woman said "sssssshhhhh! Be quiet!". I will never forget it! Seven years later I cannot sleep in that fucking house. Now there are some power lines that are about 10 feet from the actual house, and current theory is that this can either cause hallucinations, or record Dramatic events into the environment. Whatever is true, everyone who ever stays in that house...my mom dad, brother and sister have heard that same old woman talk at some point.

    I hate staying in that fucking house ever since!
  6. #6 M3ssenger, Feb 1, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2014
    Living in a brand new house, I would never thought there be any paranormal activity. However, one night, as I went for a glass of water, I saw something I'd never be able to forget.Over my mother's bed hung a body, bloody and silent. It was like a still picture, a man hanging on a rope, with blood on the walls. It was as if that ground was haunted. I thought I was dreaming or seeing things, but my grandmother told me she saw the same thing, when I told her about it. No one else saw this but me and her. The owner of the land previously killed his family and hung himself, and this is speculation because I never dared look into it. Bloody walls were an indicator.I moved shortly after.Lived in an apartment once when all my electronic devices shut off one night, at midnight. I was paralyzed with fear and could tell something was right besides my bed. My dog barked out loudly and scared the spirit away. Nothing has happened since I became christian. I believe the battle between Good and evil wages everyday, and ghosts are stuck in between this mortal realm. Trapped and unable to move on..My mom was stalked by little children's spirit once in vietnam. However with the some prayer and yelling, the spirits decided to leave her alone, as she was not afraid.Some spirits feed on fear, and shadows lurk everywhere. M3ssenger
  7. #7 DeathMadeTangible, Feb 1, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2014
    In 4th grade, we had an astronomy project that involved having to look at the moon every night and record the phases.
    One night I went up on my roof to see the moon and I saw these 3 pale-blue orbs swirling around each other in a circular motion. They looked like 1/2 of the Yin-yang symbol, except there was three of them. 
  8. My first post on here!

    Kinda long and boring but ehh,

    I was with a homie of mine and we were looking for a place to smoke (I have lil siblings and don't like to take homies there just for that) at about 10 o'clock or so. We finally decided to hop in my truck and go the the cemetery (live in a small town and rarely anyone goes there), while we were there my home girl txts me and asks if we wanna match a bowl she just got from a dispensery (blue cheese, dankkk) so of course were like hell yeah! She and here homies hop in the truck and start hotboxing. One of her homies is like "Ayy you guys see that?" And he points to some trees maybe a mile or so ahead in between some trees. We're like dude "your trippin" and as soon as I said that I saw what this nigguh was talking about.
    I shit you not, in between two of the tallest trees is a orange light that would slowly move to the right and then stop as soon as we all looked. We'd smoke and then it would move left and then stop again when we looked at it. It did this through out our sesh switching from left to right and up and down. Stopping when we all looked an proceeding to move when we weren't.
    Honestly some of the craziest shit I've seen to date!

    "Our lives revolve around a piece of paper that has no value itself"

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