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Have you ever lost a piece or weed?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by ismokealone, Aug 14, 2012.

  1. I lost my monkey pipe, my first smoking "utensil" last week and i was pissed, although i have a chillum now:hello:
  2. NEVER dude. i keep track of my shit like a motherfucker :D
  3. Yupe lost my first baby in high school. I would do anything to get it back :(
  4. I got high for a comedy show and stupidly brought my little mason jar of bud with me. It fell out of my pocket while I was in my seat and I forgot about it until later. So pissed.

    At least I made a janitor's day though. :p
  5. I have lost a couple of small, traveling pipes, but never a major piece. Weed, I may mislay, but it always turns up.

    Best story I know of about lost weed was way back in the 70s. David B. was moving, so we all got together to help him pack up and move. We kept finding joints and small baggies of weed that he had stashed and forgotten about. By the time he was all moved, we had found, and smoked, a bit less than an ounce.

    Granny :wave:
  6. i have lost or broken every piece ive ever own except for selling 2 of them. so thats like 15 pieces ive gone through. and ive lost probably 1/2 oz altogether misplacing weed
  7. I've lost a few pieces I've made but my first pipe I got back when I was like 14 or 15 I still got today haha. Never lost weed tho. Haha
  8. Lost a huge nug of some bomb ass weed one night in my best friend's car that we always smoked in. Total high kill when I couldn't find it. After our last session on the day he moved away we cleaned out his car and found that nug that I had lost a month earlier. Definitely the best feeling in the world to find that beautiful juicy nug. We dropped whatever we were doing and hotboxed one last time.

    I lost my sister's piece at the mall one time when I was super blown, probably left it in the restroom where I stood for like 8 hours drying my hands in this amazing hand-dryer. She cried and shit. I laughed and shit.
  9. Rarely. I did find a few grams in a cigarette package once..

    When I get a big quantity, I like to hide a few nugs around the house and completely forget about them, when you run out, finding those nuggets will be like christmas
  10. One night I was out with like 3 friends and I had a single gram of some super dank Lemon haze that I had been saving, this shit was like a diamond it was so crystally and sticky. So we packed a bowl at the mall, then went and hopped on the metro and took the train to the wrong stop, so we got off to catch the train back and I packed another bowl as my friends passed a bottle of vodka around, and somewhere in there (I'm guessing as I got up to get on the train) I dropped my gram...I still think about it to this day...
  11. Lost a one hitter the other day, not too bummed about it.
    I'll be smoking at my desk nd I'll put some herb onto random shit laying around walk away with it nd end up finding trees laying around.
  12. Never ever lost any weed or pipes and such.
  13. One time me and my friend lost a joint in my house. We spent a long ass time looking for it, and eventually found it sitting on the middle of my kitchen floor :p
  14. I've lost a piece but never weed,I keep it in 1 jar not in little bags around the house.
  15. once i got really stoned and dropped like a dub /:
  16. losing bud is like the worst feeling ever
  17. Once when I was walking back home after picking up, I went to feel in my pocket and my herb wasnt there, retraced my steps and found it, it was at nite too and luckily I dropped it in a well light spot
  18. was wearing a costume and heading to a local club. Didn't have anywhere to put the piece so i stuck it in a fire hydrant nossle wasn't able to retrieve later.
  19. when i was in high school, i always had secret pockets that I kept my dank in incase I got searched by the staff. Well I had about 5 pockets, and I completely forgot about one. So this one time I was cleaning out my backpack after the school year ended and I found this pocket and it was a great feeling. I looked inside and found an old lighter I had thought I lost and a gram of bud. It was kinda old by then, but fuck it, I got high :)
  20. Oh and Ive let my friend borrow two of my peices, and he came back telling me he broke it both times. Needless to say, I now dislike this kid and hog the weed whenever I smoke with him haha

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