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Have you ever had to eat your stash?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by tokinblackguy, Aug 13, 2008.

  1. the other day my aunt was visiting and I had 1/8 of some kb out and was rolling them into joints and she was opening the door so I stuffed all of it in my mouth and pretended to check under my bed while I gulped that shit down.

    kb + coke slurpee= no bueno

  2. I've had almost the same shit happen, but instead of wasting my weed I pulled out my cock and started jacking off. She left the room pretty fast, haha :p.
  3. DUDE THATS CRAZY!!!!! No i havent although i did try to make a peanut butter rice krispie without cooking it and just left it over night but it didn't work and tasted awful. But dude thats crazy an eighth hahah dang how did it taste!!
  4. was riding shotgun and we had an eith of mushrooms and 2 hits of lsd and a quarter of bud and 2 percocets 30. cop out his ligths on behind us with a k9 boy was i fucked up but no drugs in the car :)

    was fucked up for a whole day tho lol
  5. for some reason i just dont believe that
  6. nope. never have.
  7. Never had to. Dimebag, smart move.
  8. Remind me to never hang with you. Just from reading your posts you sound like straight up Cop Bait.
  9. definitely makes me think of the first scene in super troopers.

    "I'm freakin out maaan"

    "You are freaking out. man."

  10. ive been unlucky recently, i blunt ride everywhere and never get caught but since taunton has busted a guy with 700lbs, they have been cracking down on everyone. pulled over for no reason, brutality and mad shit. now im staying at the crib so i dont get in trouble.

    and yes i did eat all that stash. i was fucked for a while man, lol i take acid weekly and i used to be a perc head so its all good =) just stickin to MJ but i cant till i get court straightened out :(
  11. ^^you sound cool.

  12. Fuck that sucks dude, I live in that area and I can't take the bone roads anymore... sucks.

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