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Have You Ever Felt Racially Insecure?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by mikegunior7, Jun 4, 2013.

  1. Lol I know some people might look at my threads and think I'm the Dr.Phil of GC but if so talk about it. Maybe I can help.

  2. As a black man, of course... race crosses my mind every day.
  3. I think the first time was when I moved to Oahu I moved into a really sketch area (crack house down the street) and I was the only white dude in a five block area.
  4. The better question is why do you feel that way when there is no reason to and when it is obviously false. Maybe it is an insecurity issue and you are looking for something to blame.
  5. No, I expect to stay the same race I was born.  :yay:
  6. My moms dad is Sicilian who married a Korean lady
    My dads dad is half black-half white who married a indo-spanish lady
    So ya im beige colored, not sure what I really am.
    I just tell people im a brownie and leave it at that. 
  7. Dr. Phill? More like race version of Maury lol.
    Never felt insecurity. Im a proud cracker.
    If I was of some other race, Im sure I would be just as comfortable with who I am. I cant imagine having an issue with my own genetics.
  8. #8 Revrend Toke, Jun 5, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 5, 2013
    double post. SWED.
  9. Man whats up with all these threads about race on GC lately? :confused:
  10. Yes, as a black man shit happens almost on a daily basis that concerns my race. I have to say, though, that it doesn't make me insecure; it just simply makes you self aware of cultural differences.
    It's funny how this thread pops up, cuz I been watching old Def Jam episodes from the 90s, back when the whole race issue was climaxing like a motha fucka.
    • Like Like x 2
  11. Lol, I suppose I was at times. I've lived in some pretty shitty neighborhoods. As a white guy I've found that as long as you hold your own though, people don't fuck with you that much. I actually became pretty good friends with some of the guys who sold coke in front of my apartment block.
  12. I'm proud to be native american. Although we don't get very much respect from most of the population. They actually have some really negative views on us.
  13. #13 Americandutchyz, Jun 5, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 5, 2013
    I don't hold any negative views on native americans EDIT: and I guess I'm what you'd classify as most of the population, lol
  14. When I am in south central los angeles i feel insecure. When I enter A mormon temple dressed in levis and a t-shirt, and attempt to sit at the front pews, I feel insecure. When I am in the amazon jungle and some indians are pointing arrows at me, i feel insecure to be a white man.
  15. I'm white and sometimes when I enter certain areas of my city I am acutely aware that I stand out.  There is a huge hispanic population where I live
    There's a walmart by my house I frequent bc its so close that is always filled with far more hispanic people than white or anything else.  So its kinda like walking into a different country or something lol.  I hardly ever hear a word of english spoken when I go there
    • Like Like x 1
    Well i never said you personally. There are alot of people who are bigoted against anyone not their race. It's really sad noone shows any respect to native americans. I'm not complaining because all races experience these problems. It's an issue of ignorance rather than hate. Even worse is when people treat you like you're a victim because of what happened to your people and they tell you how bad they feel and how they respect you, trying to look good. Patronizing sucks.
  17. #17 Iluvatar, Jun 5, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 5, 2013
    There are some towns in the northwest that are over 90% native american.  Every time I visit them it feels like a 3rd world country.  Trash everywhere, people walking everywhere they go, its just all ghetto as could be and not a whitey to be seen. 
    I don't know how native americans feel about this, but it would be nice to see a bit more integration
    Ah I see your point. What do you mean by saying that no one respects native americans? I'm not going to respect someone strictly based on their ethnicity. 
  19. #19 SiriusWolff, Jun 5, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 5, 2013
    Well alot of times people see me as inferior. Kind of condescending especially with very conservative or uneducated people they see us as weak and a burden but then again they don't like much of anyone.
    And more integration? there's a reason no white people live there because it's not a fun place on a reservation unless your tribe is rich.
  20. Insecure, yes, once upon a time. Now? I dont give a damn. Im aware of me being "the only black girl" at times but I dont let it affect me. Because whats the point?

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