Have you ever bought a whole pizza...for yourself?

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by decemberbuddhist, Nov 13, 2015.

  1. Never thought of using pita bread..great idea!
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  2. No, I have not ever. And by "ever" I mean the past couple weeks.
  3. Hell ya. Before I started smoking I had health issues from years of binge eating. Fast food every day. There were times when I'd order $40+ worth of fast food for myself at once, eat it all and get sick.

    Since I started smoking, I started being more health conscious and I went clean with my diet so I don't really munch. I plan out a day every 3 months or so where I eat everything I could possibly want from the time I get up till I go to bed. I think the next time I do it I'm going to take a t break before hand and then smoke up all day and eat like a savage.
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  4. Yes and not once! :) I'm that type of person who can eat the whole middle-size pizza na even not the one! :D
  5. Now I have lol

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  6. When schmokin' that reefer', time to buy 3 Pizzas, it is not a want, it is a must, 'specially that der' crispy kind.
  7. Yes, and it was a party size!
    It lasted me about a week!
    Pepperony, mushrooms, Feta Cheese, tomato, grn peppers, jalepenos..:cool:
  8. How many is several?
    Are you considered to be a large person?
    Im guessing at least 260 lbs.:confused_2:
  9. Yeah, and I ate the whole thing. :love-m3j:
  10. I did last night, granted it was only a Medium Pizza, but it was damn delicious (well half of it, I can't eat nearly as much as I used to be able to). But it was a breakfast pizza, Bacon, Pork Roll, Eggs, Mozzerella and Cheddar it was whats upppppp
  11. you writing a book? lol jk
    i think i was high when i wrote that lol, i meant i have had eaten whole pizzas to myself, i have eaten quite a bit of whole pizzas to myself (not all at once lol)

    6'4 pushing 300 lbs
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  12. Nope. I'd rather eat a 14 piece hot wings and cheesy bread. Dominos wings are banging

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  13. Seriously though, what kind of question is this?
  14. Little cease.

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